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Thread: Clen vs ECA?

  1. #1
    curioususer is offline Junior Member
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    Clen vs ECA?

    Which one is more efficient fat burning? What are the pro/cons? Which one do you prefer? I'm still debating to order Clen from AR-R .

  2. #2
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Clenbuterol is a stronger compound, and it is not for everyone.

    If you have HBP and/or get agitated easily, Clenbuterol will not be a good choice IMO.

    Both will burn fat, both have anabolic properties to an extent, some people respond better to ECA and some to Clenbuterol.

    I have never ordered Clenbuterol from AR-R but I know all their stuff is legit and they work.

    In the last result, you will have to try both and see it for yourself.

    Do you know how to cycle Clen ?

  3. #3
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by curioususer View Post
    Which one is more efficient fat burning? What are the pro/cons? Which one do you prefer? I'm still debating to order Clen from AR-R.
    Personal preference here but I have always like CLENBUTEROL much better. ECA works for me just not as well and I have more sides with EPH based products.

  4. #4
    Soviet-Strength's Avatar
    Soviet-Strength is offline Junior Member
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    both are effective for me, clen works alil better id say but i feel better on ECA (more energy, less cravings).

  5. #5
    hyphy_beast's Avatar
    hyphy_beast is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soviet-Strength View Post
    both are effective for me, clen works alil better id say but i feel better on ECA (more energy, less cravings).
    Cravings for what exactly?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Clen will increase your body metabolism about 9% the ECA about 3%. Clen's more harsh, the shakes, the sweating, harder to sleep, etc. However, it gets the job done.

  7. #7
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    Clen , eca does nothing for me

  8. #8
    liftology is offline Junior Member
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    clen is definitely more effective, but is not for everyone.
    If you want to use it, learn how to cycle it properly.

  9. #9
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have been using the Eca stack for a few weeks now (taking weeekends off from it). I am taking it during Pct so my goals aren't to really lose weight but not to put on any bad weight while I keep my calories high. The Eca stack will definitely wake you up and give get you moving in the gym. Personally I try to take it twice a day. Once in the a.m. then about five to six hours later. I do experience a bit of a crash so I make sure I take second dose on time. I don't sweat, shake, or having any problems with the Eca stack. In fact I take first dose with my a.m. coffee!!

  10. #10
    Razor is offline Banned
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    try the NYC stack

  11. #11
    knuytten29 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys I have a question. I will soon be using clenbuterol and doing cardio 3-5 times a week. Wondering if it will actually work if I am keeping a consistent workout schedule and my diet is on task, How long will it take for me to notice results?

  12. #12
    tigerspawn's Avatar
    tigerspawn is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by knuytten29 View Post
    Hey guys I have a question. I will soon be using clenbuterol and doing cardio 3-5 times a week. Wondering if it will actually work if I am keeping a consistent workout schedule and my diet is on task, How long will it take for me to notice results?
    Please start your own thread. Then members will be able to address your issue.

  13. #13
    skaz915 is offline Member
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    My vote is for clen . I've used both with good results from clen and mediocre results, at best, from eca. Clen is nothing to mess with tho without reading up on it first

  14. #14
    winkdogydog101 is offline New Member
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    Im a weird duck and I dont know if anyone feels the same. But for me ECA stack is harsh as crap on me while Clen feels very mild. For my body I feel like ECA is way harsher sides. Normal BPM is around 85-90 when Im on clen 110-120 and ECA at 24/200 I run 130/140 both doing nothing. Both cramp me but when I am on the laptop sometimes I lay on my chest and type and clen never cramps me until working out but ECA cramps me all day and my neck cramps just typing. Both totally kill my ability to have sex so I cant really say ones better or worse in that aspect. Clen is also better on paper as well. A half life between 32-36 hours while ECA is really between 3-6 which is debatable. Clen is a one dose a day vs 3.

    With tons of new people selling clen, Clens price has gone way down from what it used to be. So honestly ECA is now the more expensive route to go. Clen doesnt curb wanting to eat so thats a plus for me. Anyone honestly using ECA or CLEN needs diet and food control to get any real results otherwise your just doing harm to your body for water weight. So the curb of eating on ECA isnt a add for me and personally can be con since on keto you need to still be eating 5-6 meals.

    I personally LOVE clen. I have never had bad shakes except the first time when I didnt read the bottle and took 200mg first time doing it. I also get great sleep on clen. I just feel so tired by around 10-11 where as caffeine effects my sleep badly. I get what I would put around 30-40% more fat loss from clen then eca on keto. And I have never lost cardio like others have claimed.....But I have also never gone more then 2 weeks on clen.

  15. #15
    Arreis is offline New Member
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    ECA is basically speed, would not recommend at all

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