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Thread: Stacking 2 Types of L-Carnitine or Inject it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Question Stacking 2 Types of L-Carnitine or Inject it?

    So far my research has lead me to the different types of L-Carnitines & what they do. My first question is, why not stack 2 different Carnitines such as PLCAR with ALCAR?? Second question is, wouldnt injectable Carnitine work better such as Synthetine seen here:


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    You can surely stack 2 different types of L. Carnitine but beware that doing so will not lead to a magical fat loss.

    I felt the need to state this because most members on the forum assume L. Carnitine will generate miraculous results as long as choice of brand and dosing are spot on, which is not the case, as a matter of fact.

    I have never used nor have I ever received feedback about injectable Carnitine, so I am not the one to speak for it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer
    You can surely stack 2 different types of L. Carnitine but beware that doing so will not lead to a magical fat loss.

    I felt the need to state this because most members on the forum assume L. Carnitine will generate miraculous results as long as choice of brand and dosing are spot on, which is not the case, as a matter of fact.

    I have never used nor have I ever received feedback about injectable Carnitine, so I am not the one to speak for it.
    Yeah I was going to post something similar, of the srudies I have read, carnitine isn't actually that good for fat loss!! And some studies have Shown it to have negative effects!!

    Diet is the way to go bro!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    ^^^ What OP and many other forum members don't know about L. Carnitine is that, this amino acid requires a certain amount of CHO in order to be able to enter the cell and do its job.

    CHO entering the blood stream means insulin activation, which makes one question whether paying for multiple L. Carnitine supplements are really worth it, presuming that people who purchase it and use it do so because they have heard of its fat burning effects.

    If I were to use L. Carnitine for any reason, my most specific expectation concerning its outcome would be aid in recovery, which is another aspect of L. Carnitine that studies show us and customers of this product don't seem to consider.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    It has been my experience that ANY product that can pass thru the BBB is a much more effective compound just like my love for Phenibut for my insomnia...

    (copied & pasted)

    Acetyl-Carnitine (ALCAR)

    This form of carnitine is high in versatility in affecting a variety of tissues including the brain, nerve, and muscle tissue. Ordinary carnitine cannot cross the blood brain barrier (BBB), however acetylcarnitine crosses the BBB and has been proven clinically to benefit the brain. Acetylcarnitine is also a better stimulator of the mitochondria for energy synthesis than ordinary carnitine. It has been determined in a study that consuming acetylcarnitine raises acetylcarnitine levels in the blood, and therefore yielding the desired result. A few other points should also be considered in order to best utilize carnitine. First, carnitine is not caffeine, so don’t expect a result in one hour. Carnitine’s effects are really felt after about four weeks of supplementation. Second, use carnitine in conjunction with synergestic nutrients such as D-Ribose (an ATP stimulator), CoQ10, and Magnesium. As to the form of carnitine, remember that there are significant differences in the members of the carnitine family. Use the above as a guide to maximize your results from the benefits of carnitines. In the final analysis, the type of carnitine you choose should be based on your specific health condition and budget.

    Propionyl-Carnitine (PLC, PLCAR)

    Propionylcarnitine is available commercially in the form of glycine-propionylcarnitine (esterified carnitine) and this is a superb form of carnitine very specific for muscle tissue and cardiovascular protection. In an experimental rodent study, ordinary carnitine and acetylcarnitine had no protective effect on vascular inflammation, but PLC offered significant protection. Although ordinary carnitine and acetylcarnitine have proven cardiovascular benefit, there are some effects of PLC that are superior for particular cardiovascular conditions.

    I already knew Carnitine isnt a magic pill & pales in comparison to other fat burning compounds, but just like CLA, carnitine can only help out especially with these newer versions & is the reason i never used L-carnitine in the far past because of its low absorption rate just like regular oldschool DHEA.

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