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Thread: Done bulking, need help cutting

  1. #1

    Done bulking, need help cutting

    SO I've been bulking now for a solid year and a half. I love the size and shear girth that I have put on but now it's time to cut the fat. I'm 6,7 260 lbs 26yo. I started at 190lbs and with bulk dieting and 3 cycles I am where I'm at now. My plan is too do a complete restricted diet from all sugars and well basically shit foods. I want to try fasted cardio, idea is too wake up in the morning and do high intensity cardio 30 mins or so than eat, hrs later lift in the gym changing from 5x5 bulk routine too lighter weights 12-15 reps. Thoughts on this complete change and turn around? Also I'll be taking clen at first and maybe a different high in energy fat burner, but what's good for not suppressing appetite? Questions, comments, thoughts, and critics well all help. Thanks

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Central California
    You should wait to take clen until towards the end of the cut. You wont see any worthwile results this early on.
    Stick to a calorie deficit diet and up the cardio.

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