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Thread: Anything more powerful than ephedrine for burning fat?

  1. #1

    Anything more powerful than ephedrine for burning fat?

    So currently i'm using ephedrine on an EC stack getting good results i also use this as a pre workout to give me a kick at the gym i use 24mg of Ephedrine and 400mg of caffeine twice a day 1 in morning with breakfast and 1 just before the gym is there anything better i can be using to either Burn more fat or to give me an extra kick at the gym or is the ec stack a good balance of what i am looking for?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    there is always clen, some don't like the sides
    also no real purpose in 400mg of caffeine you will become tolerant to it very quickly and 200mg works just as well with 24mg ephedrine to burn fat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Woollster00
    So currently i'm using ephedrine on an EC stack getting good results i also use this as a pre workout to give me a kick at the gym i use 24mg of Ephedrine and 400mg of caffeine twice a day 1 in morning with breakfast and 1 just before the gym is there anything better i can be using to either Burn more fat or to give me an extra kick at the gym or is the ec stack a good balance of what i am looking for?
    Of course, there is always something more potent!!! One of the most widely prescribed AND abused stimulants today is adderral. A physician's prescription is required as it is closely regulated and addictive. Most commonly used as a treatment for ADDH/ADHD, I know a number of guys who have or are using it for a pre workout. It is of course illegal to use it in this manner and as I said it is very addictive (it's an amphetamine salt) but it does provide quite a burst of energy. The downside is that it is also very dehydrating so your H2O intake would need to be increased during workouts to counteract the water deficits.

    I am NOT recommending you seek out this drug for weight loss or as a PWO, however!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Great White North
    Clen is the way to go for me. But i do wear a kevlar vest for 12 hours a day and it mrlts the fat right off me. Down side being my vest has to be washed almost every day. Anyone that wears one knows that a pain in the ass.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    I probably shouldn't suggest this, because you really shouldn't try it. But there is always DNP......

  6. #6
    Thanks for the replies yeah i wont go seeking out these aha thanks though what are your opinions on t5?

  7. #7
    Just read about DNP man i wouldn't touch that stuff in a million years nothing is worth risking my vision for :P

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Orlistat, gw 501516, make it a proper Eca stack with aspirin, there are lots but eating proper is the best way to lose weight, for a kick in the gym I would think eating good would help as well

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    United States
    I have some Bulgarian clen that I intend to run with my PCT, I am eager to see how it works.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyrinegt View Post
    Orlistat, gw 501516, make it a proper Eca stack with aspirin, there are lots but eating proper is the best way to lose weight, for a kick in the gym I would think eating good would help as well
    My diet is ok it's not perfect because i'm a poor student but it's satisfactory as for the aspirin i got reccomended not to take it because i'm not really that fat what is the added benefit of adding aspirin to the stack i know it thins the blood but how is this beneficial to me

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Woollster00 View Post
    So currently i'm using ephedrine on an EC stack getting good results i also use this as a pre workout to give me a kick at the gym i use 24mg of Ephedrine and 400mg of caffeine twice a day 1 in morning with breakfast and 1 just before the gym is there anything better i can be using to either Burn more fat or to give me an extra kick at the gym or is the ec stack a good balance of what i am looking for?

    I like CLENBUTEROL pretty well myself,,,I actually tolerate it better than ECA. HGH is another option if your advanced.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyg419
    I have some Bulgarian clen that I intend to run with my PCT, I am eager to see how it works.
    Your going to take Clen during your pct?

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