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Thread: Protien

  1. #1
    hannon33 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm talking protein (27g/scoop) my question is should I continue what I'm doing: 2 scoops in a bigger size Gatorade bottle in the morning and after work out 1 scoop In a popies supplements cup with water. Or is that too much and should only be 1 After the gym.

    27yrd old
    Try n hit the gym 5x a week

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Really depends on your current diet. But i say it can't hurt either way. your body will absorb the post workout drink almost immediately. So i would definetely continue that one.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Really depends on your current diet. But i say it can't hurt either way. your body will absorb the post workout drink almost immediately. So i would definetely continue that one.
    Agree. Here's my rule of thumb....

    The more dialed in your diet is (hitting your macros, tdee in line with sufficient margine (negative/positive) so you can hit your goals), the less you need the protein powder....

    The less dialed in your diet is, the more you will find blokes relying on protein powder.

    Ultimately, there is NO need for protein powder if your diet is spot on. But unless you've really studied this, and have spent a lot of time working on it, i would suggest it is not at this level.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Your diet can be spot on with or without protein powder. Comes down to your own personal time and convenience really. Not everyone can eat 300-400+grams of protein solely from whole foods, wether it be due to time,lifestyle or simply can't cram that much food in, that is where a shake is convenient. 3000cals 40/40/20 with or without shakes is still 3000 cals 40/40/20, both as dialed in as each other...

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