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Thread: need some advise pls

  1. #1

    need some advise pls

    hi guys, i would like to put some more mass and to know what is the best stack; protein/creatine/1AD/glutamine or protein/crea/gluta/methoxy/ecdysterone/ZMA and of course muli-vitamins, or maybe another stack??? and how long should i take it?? I'm 18 years old , 168lbs and 5'67 11-12%BF.
    Thanx a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I think a good deit would be first then the above supplements will help along the way. You must eat,train,rest and repete

  3. #3
    thanx for the answer bro , but i would like to know which of these 2 stacks will be the best for me; for the first stack with PH i think to be on 300mg/day of 1AD and 300mg/day of 4AD for 3 weeks! can i expect some results?? or should i take MAg10 for 2 weeks?So which will give me the best gains, the first or the second stack??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Alright bro...
    First my opinion, even if you are new to the prosteroids/prohormones, 300mgs a day seems real small and I doubt you would see anything...esp in 3 weeks!

    I would go with the first stack because the second stack has a lot of worthless crap.

    Good Luck!


  5. #5
    ok fmrommrl i'll go with PH. I've done many research about ph and teen, and the most frequently answer which is given to teen for using ph is "no don't do it, because u will stop growing!" is this the only reason for nt using PH?? is there any risk of sterility, if i want to have children later, is there any risk for them???? and will my test level be ok?
    thanx , and bro how much should i take???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Well this is kind of a tricky subject, most guys here would say dont use them, I would agree...risk of permenent test production damage, stunted growth, sexual problems...however, this are extreme cases and are more likely with real gear, but they are risks none the less...

    The problem see any growth you need around 900mgs of 1ad and 600mgs of 4ad. These are both high amounts so the risks mentioned earlier are more likely. Like I said, plenty of people have tried this stuff around 18, but IMO it is too young...I would stick with creatine, glutamine, multivitamins, ZMA, stuff like that...

    Not worth the risks...but it is your choice.

    Good Luck


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