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Thread: what do i need to do to get from 180lbs to 210lbs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    what do i need to do to get from 180lbs to 210lbs

    i work out hard have a great diet take creatine,lots of protien,and take care off my bussiness but i want to be 210lbs of cut up muscle

    can someone tell me what to eat or what to take to get ahieve my goal

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    LOL...i hate to say this...i really do, since this is the supplement forum, but i did exactly what you want in 7 1/2 weeks on sust and eq. I am NOT saying do this.

    Food. And food alone will get you there. Maybe not in under two months, but you will get there..Now go eat.........I said GO!


    Why are you still reading?!?!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by PaPaPumP
    Now go eat.........I said GO!


    Why are you still reading?!?!

    Hey PPP, I was thinking about starting a bootcamp and I need drill sergeants. Want a job?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van city

    Re: what do i need to do to get from 180lbs to 210lbs

    Originally posted by j.p.
    i work out hard have a great diet take creatine,lots of protien,and take care off my bussiness but i want to be 210lbs of cut up muscle

    can someone tell me what to eat or what to take to get ahieve my goal
    Just keep working out hard, and keep with your diet..... But to gain 30 pounds of solid cut up muscle, will probably take 2-4 years, well thats my opnion

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    EAT,EAT,EAT,EAT and then eat some more its the only thing you can do.

  6. #6
    Survey says EAT EAT EAT puke EAT EAT EAT EAT puke EAT EAT EAT

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!


    Papapump..i love it are the best...lmao

    "LOL...i hate to say this...i really do, since this is the supplement forum, but i did exactly what you want in 7 1/2 weeks on sust and eq. I am NOT saying do this."

    Isn't this so true...

    best of luck j.p.

    uhhhhhhh............. my suggest......transfer this to the steriod board..there we can help you out..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    what about wieght gainer does that help alot

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wieght gainer will definately help get the extra calories you need, but they are dense in carbohydrates and if your not very active (or on cycle) you run the risk of all those extra carbs not getting used, and eventually turning to chubb. If your staying natural (which I have the ultimate respect for) eat clean as much as you can. Meal replacements and wieghtgainers will help, but DO NOT depend on them. They are suppliments and should be used to suppliment your diet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Ex: I will definately takek you up on that offer.

    Shredz...: That's what I'm here for man. I may not be the best of the bunch, but i'm trying to catch up.

    Pistol Peeeeete: Is dead on. bro, weight gainers aren't even that good in cycle.,..i mean, post workout is a different story...but is more fun to eat. I hate when i cant get to a real meal, ya i enjoy the occasional protein bar or two, or three....4??? nahh...not 4......yet. Just eat tons of steak, whole eggs, chicken, salmon, hhhhhooooolllllyyyyy mackeral ...

    Or as my friend NOTORIOUS B-I-G would say.

    A tbone steak, cheese, eggs, and welchs grape, conversate for a few...cuz in a few- we gonn do-what we came to do- ain't that right get the telly we just go to tha crib, and watchin movies in the jacuzzi, smoke Ls while you do me.

    Hold the welch's grape...and replace it with some rice. ...oh, lighting up the blunts and gettin pooty in the jacuzzi is up to you brutha man.

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