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  1. #1
    mj79 is offline Female Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Smile Newbie - Posting Macros here as suggested :)

    Below was my previous thread, was suggested to post macros here, I don't follow macros just calories, but below is roughly a typical day for me +/- 100cals.

    Cals: 1383
    Fat: 45g
    Carbs: 162g
    Protein: 89g

    Wondering if the Var10 would be beneficial? Yes I know its not the "real" stuff, but wondering if it still might help or if I'm better off getting a good supplement from someplace like GNC?

    Thanks a ton!

    Hi, I'm new to the site and hoping to get some advice that will get me out of a plateau. Below are some details, any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    I just signed up and got the coupon for a free supplement, need to know which one would help me best.

    33 yrs old
    Height 5'4"
    130 lbs

    I've lost about 30lbs over the past 9 months buy following a 1000-1300 calorie diet and a Ton of cardio. I'm now trying to lose an additional 5-10lbs and tone.

    I'm currently at 1360 calories and workout 3-4 days/wk doing a mix of cardio and light weights.


  2. #2
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2010
    Hi, I'm not the expert here (diet) but I can tell you what my wife does to keep on 115 lbs,
    and one think she does is eating more protein of carbs, and looks like you doing more carbs,
    so my suggestions will be increase your protein intake.

  3. #3
    mj79 is offline Female Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Thanks jumper, I def eat mostly carbs, that is something I try to keep down, its really difficult for me, I'm a carb lover, BUT the carbs I do eat are always Whole Grain, not many of my carbs come from sugar, except in my greek yogurt, I can't do the plane have to get the ones with fruit.

    I would rather not deprive myself and just make sure I get good workouts in, which worked for a while but now has stalled, maybe I need to give some things up? Just want to keep my diet realistic to my lifestyle, if possible

  4. #4
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    Sep 2007
    I have my fiance on a very realistic diet and keeps her full. If you need carbs let's get out the sugar(simple) unless you need them we can just place them at the correct times. She is near identical to your stats 1.5 weeks in she's down 8lbs

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