So I just heard about this substance called Kava Kava. It's basically a tea made from a root that they drink in Hawaii and other islands that causes an effect on you similar to anti-depressaents and muscle relaxers. I just tried it once, but it definitely makes you feel good.

Anyways, does anyone know if it affects your gains in anyway? Obviously, you wouldn't take it before working out, but if you took it after working out would it hinder your gains at all? I think a lot of Samaoian football players drink it. I know Troy Palomalu does, so it might not be too bad for you.

Some people claim it's bad for your liver, but I don't buy it. Those claims come from companies that used the leaves instead of the root to give kava a bad name or by correlation studies done on alcoholic homeless people who then obviously were in bad health due to other reasons and used to slander kava by the alcohol and drug companies.