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Thread: Rival us complx 5

  1. #1

    Rival us complx 5

    Has anyone used RIVAL US COMPLX 5? Truly amazing stuff, recovery time between sets are cut in half and can do more reps. Although i find the next day you end up blasting the muscles when you never felt like you pushed it that hard. I guess it helps turn over ATP faster and changes the acid production so you can go past failure without feeling the lactic acid as much. It does that for sure but another thing it does is cramp my stomach a bit.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Never heard of that. Sounds like there's a ton of new products on the market

  3. #3
    Yah, I was looking for a good pre workout sup. Heard nothing but horror stories about the ones with stimulants in them. Came across this one, no stimulants, no L Arginine. So you don't feel like you are getting dizzy and pass out and you don't feel like you are on crack either. Really let's you push right through the normal lactic acid barrier with at least 3 to 5 extra reps right away.

    Not sure what exactly is in it so I could be rotting away my liver or something but my workouts have been like the ever first day in a gym. (if you can remember how you felt the next day back then)

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