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Thread: Turmeric

  1. #1
    faither's Avatar
    faither is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2012


    Have been reading up on turmeric as an anti inflammatory for joint pain I have a bit of pain in my knees was going to go to the doc for cortisol injection when some one suggested supplementing with turmeric any thoughts on this.or has some one tried it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    the use of turmeric is an old Indian/Asian remedy and has anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties. It also helps bigtime if ur sick. If you doin it for joint pain I dunno if ull see results for a while. In any case, u can ingest it by mixing it with honey and kinda making a paste and swallow it like that. What old school healers would do is they would make a paste prolly in the same method or with water (dunno bout the water, just guessing on that) and apply it to the affected area and wrap it up with a bandage of some sort for an extended period of time. It gets messy tho, color is tough to get out of clothes and skin.

    For joint pain it might take a while to work if that, kinda like glucosamine supplementing. Some people say it works, some dont. Others say it will take a while etc.

    Doesnt hurt to try it out tho. Good luck

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