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Thread: Clen or oxy elite?

  1. #1

    Clen or oxy elite?

    Im going into my 4th week on 120mcg per day...sides are alot less then when i started... i have been taking the 1-1.5 ml of keto for the last week....

    Ive lost 4lbs in 3 weeks...... thoughts.... is that good?

    Id say garbage... im still sorting out my diet but this right now is the best ive ever eaten...

    every year i gain weight towards the end of summer and lose an easy 10-15 lbs in winter.... then the cycle starts over....

    im a painter and eat good in winter spring and by mid summer i eat garbage because i cant really work out due to long hours by august im adding the weight right back......

    anyways... ive used Ballys old diet pill..what ever it was years ago

    hydroxy cut

    hrydroxxy black or whatever

    lipo 6

    and oxy elite

    all giving me great weight loss.. fairly quick...month or two tops 10-15 lbs gone....

    Question shouldnt clen be working better than all those fat burners??? not to mention my diets on the fat burners were way worse then now....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    I can lose 6lb in a day on the toilet.. What is your workout regime like while on the fat burners? That and diet will make up 90% of your fat burnt

    You'll also need to take time off of clen, from my
    Understanding you build tolerance.

  3. #3
    hour cardio 400 cals burned three lfts per muscle 1 per day..moderate no big heavy weights

  4. #4
    thats why i have the keto... so i can run right thru...but maybe im doing something wrong cuse the shakes arent any where near as bad as when i started..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    Hmm bizarre, could try taking a week off clen. See if it helps. That amount of cardio with a good calorie deficit you should be dropping weight like nuts

  6. #6
    Whats the breakdown of your diet look like? If diet isnt on point (even if you say it is 'better' than past diets) I wouldnt be surprised at a lack of results. Fat burners are unfortunately not a miracle pill and cannot be used as a crutch for a poor diet.

    That being said I would try and tweak your diet first...what % of your daily caloric intake are you taking in carbs? You could try adjusting that %age. How many calories total are you taking in per day? When was the last time you adjusted those calories from your original caloric intake? It might be time to lower it as a loss in weight will translate to a lower TDEE.

    Also try switching up your workout stimuli will help against the battle to lose weight, rather its a completely new exercise or new rep range (I saw you posted moderate rep range, you could try lifting HEAVY 4-8 reps for a couple weeks to switch things up. This will help promote new muscle growth...more muscle = more fat burned)

    Taking a look at the whole picture (diet, cardio, training) and starting from the ground up, in my experience, will net you better results in the long run than trying to place blame on a pill, supplement or chemical.

    Post that diet!


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by doingwork12
    Im going into my 4th week on 120mcg per day...sides are alot less then when i started... i have been taking the 1-1.5 ml of keto for the last week....

    Ive lost 4lbs in 3 weeks...... thoughts.... is that good?

    Id say garbage... im still sorting out my diet but this right now is the best ive ever eaten...

    every year i gain weight towards the end of summer and lose an easy 10-15 lbs in winter.... then the cycle starts over....

    im a painter and eat good in winter spring and by mid summer i eat garbage because i cant really work out due to long hours by august im adding the weight right back......

    anyways... ive used Ballys old diet pill..what ever it was years ago

    hydroxy cut

    hrydroxxy black or whatever

    lipo 6

    and oxy elite

    all giving me great weight loss.. fairly quick...month or two tops 10-15 lbs gone....

    Question shouldnt clen be working better than all those fat burners??? not to mention my diets on the fat burners were way worse then now....
    OTC's are all shit bro

  8. #8
    i have a post in the nutrition section labeled..."please check my diet" sorry im not sure how to link it....its on the first page...

    people say there garbage but like i said they have worked and on less of a diet......

    im bought to scoop some oxy elite and drop the clen...... Your opinion? or shit maybe take both lol

    i mean come on ....three weeks and 4 lbs... thats a joke... something is wrong....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by doingwork12 View Post
    hour cardio 400 cals burned three lfts per muscle 1 per day..moderate no big heavy weights
    I think u should up ur intensity in cardio....u should burn waaaay more cals in an 20 mins I usually burn with the speeds....if ur on treadmill switch various inclines....speeds....HIIT....etc

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by doingwork12 View Post
    i have a post in the nutrition section labeled..."please check my diet" sorry im not sure how to link it....its on the first page...

    people say there garbage but like i said they have worked and on less of a diet......

    im bought to scoop some oxy elite and drop the clen...... Your opinion? or shit maybe take both lol

    i mean come on ....three weeks and 4 lbs... thats a joke... something is wrong....
    all arent garbage....hydroxycut the original and oxyelite the original works....I've never used clen and I definitely wouldn't take the both at the same time.
    1lb to 1.5lb a week is a good rate at losing weight although if ur diet was good plus the use of somethin like clen I would assume u would be losin more....again up ur intensity of cardio
    ill check that other post to see what ur diet is like

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by doingwork12 View Post
    i have a post in the nutrition section labeled..."please check my diet" sorry im not sure how to link it....its on the first page...

    people say there garbage but like i said they have worked and on less of a diet......

    im bought to scoop some oxy elite and drop the clen...... Your opinion? or shit maybe take both lol

    i mean come on ....three weeks and 4 lbs... thats a joke... something is wrong....
    Your diet is wrong, thats the problem. I would def suggest not taking both together, that is stim overload. Again, I'll make the point that your placing too much emphasis on supplements...they are meant to supplement not to be used as a crutch for a lacking diet/training routine. When all is 'right' 1-3 lbs/week is an acceptable amount of weight loss. I am posting my diet below, which I utilized to 'start' my current cut (6'2", 270lbs in the beginning, started 2nd week of October), I have since adjusted to a cyclical ketogenic diet intaking approx 2500-2700cals/day, and have dropped my weight down to 233 while maintaining/improving strength across the board. This diet should not be followed verbatim due to the difference in stats, but it can give you a better idea of food choices. Let me know if you have ne questions.

    MEAL 1
    2 whole egg-9g fat, 12g pro-140cal
    5 eggwhites-20g pro-80 cal
    1 cup oatmeal-5g fat, 52g carb, 10g pro-280cal
    TOTAL-14g fat, 52g carb, 52g pro-500 cal

    MEAL 2
    9oz Boneless/Skinless Chkn-3g fat, 52g pro-250cal
    1 Cup Brown Rice-3g fat, 39g carb, 5g pro-190cal
    TOTAL-6g fat, 29g carb, 27g pro-440cal

    MEAL 3
    (2) Sunkist Packets Chunk Light Tuna-6g fat, 8g carb, 26g pro-200 cal
    1/2 cup FF Cottage Cheese-6g carb, 11g pro-70cal
    2 TBSP Flax Seed Oil-28g fat-238cal
    TOTAL-34g fat, 14g carb, 37g pro-508cal

    MEAL 4
    9oz Boneless/Skinless Chkn-3g fat, 52g pro-250cal
    1 Cup Brown Rice-3g fat, 39g carb, 5g pro-190cal
    TOTAL-6g fat, 39g carb, 57g pro-440cal

    MEAL 5
    8oz 94% Lean Ground Turkey-14g fat, 2g carb, 48g pro-320 cal
    1/2 cup FF Cottage Cheese-6g carb, 11gpro-70cals
    TOTAL-14g fat, 8g carb, 59g pro-390cal

    MEAL 6
    8oz 95% Lean Ground Beef-6g fat, 36g pro-228cal
    2 TBSP Flax Seed Oil-28g fat-238cal
    TOTAL-34g fat, 36g pro-466cal

    TOTAL-108 fat, 142g carb, 268g pro-~2800cals/day

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bcaasdirty

    Your diet is wrong, thats the problem. I would def suggest not taking both together, that is stim overload.
    Agree with this! Putting the diet aside, taking both is actually exponentially bad for ur health. I don't remember EXACTLY, but something like clen is an a2 receptor antagonist and yohimbine(in oxy elite) is an a2 agonist. And there is an abundance of a2 receptors in ur heart and taking both would skyrocket BP and increase risk of a heart attack. Like I said I don't remember the exact details, as in if for sure it's a2 receptors and which is agonist/antagonist. It's been awhile since I read it, if u like I can try and dig it up, but either way I wouldn't do it.


  13. #13
    i was kinda kidding about taking both ... but i guess im just frustrated because i expected clen to better better than an over the counter... i did take hydroxy cut the original.... definetley worked better than this..... my buddy said the otc fat burners eat at muscle and that maybe why the number on the scale dropped lower..faster then then the clen im taking today.....the thing thats the most frustrating is that when i lost a good amount of weight... my idea of eating healty and being on a diet was eating a half box of wheat thins vs eating fries.... or lots of pretzles...peanuts....lots of carbs... basically just anything that wasnt fried or greasy....i actually didnt take the clen today i was so pissed.....

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by doingwork12 View Post
    i was kinda kidding about taking both ... but i guess im just frustrated because i expected clen to better better than an over the counter... i did take hydroxy cut the original.... definetley worked better than this..... my buddy said the otc fat burners eat at muscle and that maybe why the number on the scale dropped lower..faster then then the clen im taking today.....the thing thats the most frustrating is that when i lost a good amount of weight... my idea of eating healty and being on a diet was eating a half box of wheat thins vs eating fries.... or lots of pretzles...peanuts....lots of carbs... basically just anything that wasnt fried or greasy....i actually didnt take the clen today i was so pissed.....
    I know what you mean bro...before I started the whole BB routine I had a completely skewed view on how to lose weight and what was considered healthy. I thought I could eat as much as I wanted but as long it was labeled as being healthy (by society standards) I thought that I would lose weight. Boy was I wrong. After being 'initiated' to the proper way to do things I can look back and laugh. Right now getting your diet in order is the most paramount thing you have to do in order to get the results you're looking for. I hope posting my diet helped a lil bit.

  15. #15
    somewhat it did.. but carbs seems high... idk i get mixed reviews.....on what i should do....

    i dont get how to split it up.. 50/30/20 and what does the 50 mean? if i dont get to the 2000 calories that good right ?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by doingwork12 View Post
    somewhat it did.. but carbs seems high... idk i get mixed reviews.....on what i should do....

    i dont get how to split it up.. 50/30/20 and what does the 50 mean? if i dont get to the 2000 calories that good right ?
    You're going to get a lot of mixed reviews because similar methods wont produce similar results on different have to find what works best for you through trial and error. Ive tried and tested anywheres from 40/40/20 to cyclical keto diet and I have found that cyclical keto works best for me. Does it mean that its the best diet strategy out there for losing fat? Hell no! But it is the strategy that my body best responds back to. Again the only way to figure out what is going to work for you is by trying it out.

    50/30/20 means 50% of your daily caloric intake comes in form of protein, 30% comes from carbs, 20% from fats. Assuming 2000 calories is your target caloric intake it will break down as follows:

    50% of 2000cals = 1000cals, 1g protein = 4calories, so you want to consume 250g of protein per day
    30% of 2000cals = 600cals, 1g carb = 4calories, so you want to consume 150g of carbohydrates per day
    20% of 2000cals = 400cals, 1g fat = 10calories, so you want to consumer 40g of fat per day

    Now your goal is to put together a meal plan that gets you as close to consuming 250g of protein, 150g of carbs and 40g of fat per day. is a great tool I've used to look up nutritional information on food when piecing together diet plans. Hope this helps some more.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Otc's are good for energy, but clen will incinerate fat.

  18. #18
    not working that way...

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by doingwork12 View Post
    Im going into my 4th week on 120mcg per day...sides are alot less then when i started... i have been taking the 1-1.5 ml of keto for the last week....

    Ive lost 4lbs in 3 weeks...... thoughts.... is that good?

    Id say garbage... im still sorting out my diet but this right now is the best ive ever eaten...

    every year i gain weight towards the end of summer and lose an easy 10-15 lbs in winter.... then the cycle starts over....

    im a painter and eat good in winter spring and by mid summer i eat garbage because i cant really work out due to long hours by august im adding the weight right back......

    anyways... ive used Ballys old diet pill..what ever it was years ago

    hydroxy cut

    hrydroxxy black or whatever

    lipo 6

    and oxy elite

    all giving me great weight loss.. fairly quick...month or two tops 10-15 lbs gone....

    Question shouldnt clen be working better than all those fat burners??? not to mention my diets on the fat burners were way worse then now....
    It depends on the person really. Most of those OTC products do nothing for me as far as real fat loss.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post

    It depends on the person really. Most of those OTC products do nothing for me as far as real fat loss.
    Alin have u tried oxyelite before

  21. #21
    Are you sure this Clen is legitimate? Maybe you are taking bunk.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Western Australia
    Yohimbe is a under the counter supplement you can get, did wonders for me n my mate when we started cutting. my diet was in check though.
    *do some research on it first and see if its what you need/ can handle.

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