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Thread: Crestor

  1. #1
    Emerald's Avatar
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    Im diabetic, type 2. Funny thing is I was diagnosed in 2008 when I was trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I was stick thin at 157 lbs. Today I'm 213 and have continued to take the crestor. My question is, crestor and medications that lower cholesterol have been linked to memory lost and joint and muscle aches/stiffness. Something Ive experienced. Should a person look for natural methods to lower cholesterol?

  2. #2
    bcaasdirty's Avatar
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    which part have you experienced (memory lost or muscle aches)?

    I think his would be a question best reserved for your primary doctor as I dont think anyone is qualified to answer your Q simply based upon your medical history.

  3. #3
    Armykid93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcaasdirty View Post
    which part have you experienced (memory lost or muscle aches)?

    I think his would be a question best reserved for your primary doctor as I dont think anyone is qualified to answer your Q simply based upon your medical history.
    For sure brotha. Go see your doctor. Not a bunch of meat heads lol

  4. #4
    Emerald's Avatar
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    Oh don't get me wrong, I believe in western medicine and good, smart Docs. But MD'S are totally pro medicine. They make alot of money prescribing these drugs. I'm simply looking for options, thanks

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald View Post
    Oh don't get me wrong, I believe in western medicine and good, smart Docs. But MD'S are totally pro medicine. They make alot of money prescribing these drugs. I'm simply looking for options, thanks
    well said
    i'm on lipitor btw

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
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    I used crestor daily for months. Did not experience any memory issues.

  7. #7
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    so you were running like crazy and still had high cholesterol? how high?

    i would suggest regular niacin which must be titrated lowly upwards do to flush, however, niacin can cause vison problems and effects bloods vessels which may be bad since so does diabetes. Niacin can also induce insulin resistence, so id say no.
    Niacinimde another form of niacin increases insulin sensitivity and has no flush, but doesnt help with cholesterol directly, tho might a little by lowering insulin levels.
    rED YEAST RICE has natural statins in it, actually the same one as lipitor but im up in there air on its safety. Tho id take that before a drug.
    Fish oild 6 g a day is a good place to start.
    B-6 or pantethinic acid/pantethine, both versions seem to help cholesterol. I think theres more studies on pantethin but pantethinic acid is more natural.
    Vitamin C, and e are crucial in cholesterol.
    mIGHT wanna consider DHEA also, as its been shown to help both diabtes and cholesterol. Im not sure if 7-keto has the same benefit. It is a hormone so learn about it and respect it. Runners are known to eat tons of carbs. If you are eating them and not getting fat but still having high cholesterol, then it's not workin for you. Insulin causes the liver to produce more bad cholesterol. Maybe exchange some monounsaturated fats for carbs and see if you can get your body to run on fats.
    Running creates alot of oxidative stress. Also, i have one theory that alot of cardio may actually increase atherogenises even with normal cholesterol. The body uses cholesterl to repair tiny cracks in arteries made when blood pressure goes up. The more you work out, the more your blood pressure increases despite better resting BP. Same with weight traingin. Perhaps thats in part why we still have bodybuilders who have heartdisease at 40. Also, the reason the heart arteries clog whereas there are tons of arteries that dont clog is because the heart is always pounding even at rest, again making tiny cracks. So maybe running super long distances isnt the best thing for you. Maybe you want to rethink your goals. Maybe less food, less running. Michael phelps is a world class swimmer, hes lean and muscular, but hes eating 12,000 calories a day. Maybe he's using all that up before it gets a chance to turn to fat, but he's still at somepoint has all those nutrients flying through his circulatory system, and a ton of oxidative stress to go with it. Is it healthy? i donk know. he "get's away" with eating pancakes and all kindsa stuff for breakfest...but is he really getting away with it? Time will tell. I don't think working out necesarilly cancels out the food we eat. Maybe it does to our waistline, but maybe not to our cardiovasculatory system. (excuse my types, in a rush here)

  8. #8
    Emerald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    so you were running like crazy and still had high cholesterol? how high?

    i would suggest regular niacin which must be titrated lowly upwards do to flush, however, niacin can cause vison problems and effects bloods vessels which may be bad since so does diabetes. Niacin can also induce insulin resistence, so id say no.
    Niacinimde another form of niacin increases insulin sensitivity and has no flush, but doesnt help with cholesterol directly, tho might a little by lowering insulin levels.
    rED YEAST RICE has natural statins in it, actually the same one as lipitor but im up in there air on its safety. Tho id take that before a drug.
    Fish oild 6 g a day is a good place to start.
    B-6 or pantethinic acid/pantethine, both versions seem to help cholesterol. I think theres more studies on pantethin but pantethinic acid is more natural.
    Vitamin C, and e are crucial in cholesterol.
    mIGHT wanna consider DHEA also, as its been shown to help both diabtes and cholesterol. Im not sure if 7-keto has the same benefit. It is a hormone so learn about it and respect it. Runners are known to eat tons of carbs. If you are eating them and not getting fat but still having high cholesterol, then it's not workin for you. Insulin causes the liver to produce more bad cholesterol. Maybe exchange some monounsaturated fats for carbs and see if you can get your body to run on fats.
    Running creates alot of oxidative stress. Also, i have one theory that alot of cardio may actually increase atherogenises even with normal cholesterol. The body uses cholesterl to repair tiny cracks in arteries made when blood pressure goes up. The more you work out, the more your blood pressure increases despite better resting BP. Same with weight traingin. Perhaps thats in part why we still have bodybuilders who have heartdisease at 40. Also, the reason the heart arteries clog whereas there are tons of arteries that dont clog is because the heart is always pounding even at rest, again making tiny cracks. So maybe running super long distances isnt the best thing for you. Maybe you want to rethink your goals. Maybe less food, less running. Michael phelps is a world class swimmer, hes lean and muscular, but hes eating 12,000 calories a day. Maybe he's using all that up before it gets a chance to turn to fat, but he's still at somepoint has all those nutrients flying through his circulatory system, and a ton of oxidative stress to go with it. Is it healthy? i donk know. he "get's away" with eating pancakes and all kindsa stuff for breakfest...but is he really getting away with it? Time will tell. I don't think working out necesarilly cancels out the food we eat. Maybe it does to our waistline, but maybe not to our cardiovasculatory system. (excuse my types, in a rush here)
    Thanks for the response...Phelps eats 12,000 calories/day? That's un-heard of...some of the Russian super heavy weight Olympic lifters eat less than that, wow! Not sure what a Doctors protocol in the USA is when a patient is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but in Canada they immediately put him on cholesterol lowering meds. My number was in the normal range, buy after going on Crestor it plummeted to 1.9. Another note on these powerful lipid reducers, we all have cholesterol in our brains which is needed. Leaves me wondering if this may cause the memory loss. Yes I have experienced the memory loss personally but wrote it off to being over 50 now. My diet is pretty solid...I might drink to much red wine LOL, But, that is a health enhancer as well, Cheers all

  9. #9
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald View Post
    Im diabetic, type 2. Funny thing is I was diagnosed in 2008 when I was trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I was stick thin at 157 lbs. Today I'm 213 and have continued to take the crestor. My question is, crestor and medications that lower cholesterol have been linked to memory lost and joint and muscle aches/stiffness. Something Ive experienced. Should a person look for natural methods to lower cholesterol?
    If I could find an effective natural means of lowering it I by all means would.

  10. #10
    AnabolicDoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald View Post
    Im diabetic, type 2. Funny thing is I was diagnosed in 2008 when I was trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I was stick thin at 157 lbs. Today I'm 213 and have continued to take the crestor. My question is, crestor and medications that lower cholesterol have been linked to memory lost and joint and muscle aches/stiffness. Something Ive experienced. Should a person look for natural methods to lower cholesterol?
    CoQ10 (as ubiquinol) at 50mg per day has been shown to decrease the muscle damage caused by statins such as crestor. Although crestor is known for being one of the better statins in regards to this side effect. I think lovastatin (Mevacor) and fluvastatin (Lescol) are supposed to be the recommended statins for people with persistent station related myopathy. BTW, how are your triglycerides? Do you take a fibrate derivative as well (such as Tricor, Trilipix, Antara, etc)

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