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Thread: test booster

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    test booster

    Have currently been training for 2 years now and have had some pretty decent gains..
    This winter im highly considering bringing in a test booster or Gh booster into my supplementation
    I have read many contradicting articles however.. most say are that test boosters are just a waste of time and Gh boosters are just an expensive way to get good sleep..
    Anyones opinion on which of the two would be better to gain muscle and why would be much appreciated
    ive also noticed many boosters have different ingrediants
    what are some key ingrediants to look out for when choosing which one to go with

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    The effectiveness of test booster depends on your AGE.

    If you are under 30 there is no point to boost your test, because is high enough.

    It is waste of money, but everybody have to learn.

    Get some good WHEY instead IMO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Test boosters are garbage regardless of age.

    OP, you're 18. Your test levels are naturally high right now. I suggest you don't attempt to fvck with your hormone levels at all right now and just focus on your diet and your training. You put in 5 more years of getting your diet in and your training honed in (and despite what you say, there is more work in that you could be doing) and I promise you that you'll get some serious gains and you wont be risking health in the process.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Test boosters are garbage regardless of age.

    OP, you're 18. Your test levels are naturally high right now. I suggest you don't attempt to fvck with your hormone levels at all right now and just focus on your diet and your training. You put in 5 more years of getting your diet in and your training honed in (and despite what you say, there is more work in that you could be doing) and I promise you that you'll get some serious gains and you wont be risking health in the process.
    X3 especially on the test boosters comment. Always garbage

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Test boosters are worthless at your age. focus on the basic things and don't get too wrapped up in supplements. None of them "get you big" only SUPPLEMENT an already in-tact regimen of diet, rest, training and bodybuilding knowledge.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by pumping_iron
    Test boosters are worthless at your age. focus on the basic things and don't get too wrapped up in supplements. None of them "get you big" only SUPPLEMENT an already in-tact regimen of diet, rest, training and bodybuilding knowledge.
    ^^^ My 27 year old brother-in-law is all about test boosters. He's taken three different products so far and has seen no gains. His diet is crap and he isn't even eating at his TDEE. No matter how much I try to drill diet in his head he keeps believing the marketing hype surrounding these products. No wonder its a billion dollar market scam.

    I think I should compound my own test booster and retire ultra-wealthy. Lol

    Muscle Ink - Sent from my iPhone

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    ^^^ My 27 year old brother-in-law is all about test boosters. He's taken three different products so far and has seen no gains. His diet is crap and he isn't even eating at his TDEE. No matter how much I try to drill diet in his head he keeps believing the marketing hype surrounding these products. No wonder its a billion dollar market scam.

    I think I should compound my own test booster and retire ultra-wealthy. Lol

    Muscle Ink - Sent from my iPhone
    Accidentally slip in some aas to keep them coming back for more lol


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219

    Accidentally slip in some aas to keep them coming back for more lol

    Throw in some amphetamine salts to lean them out and keep them hooked.

    Muscle Ink - Sent from my iPhone

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Throw in some amphetamine salts to lean them out and keep them hooked.

    Muscle Ink - Sent from my iPhone
    I like ur style!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    The effectiveness of test booster depends on your AGE.

    If you are under 30 there is no point to boost your test, because is high enough.

    It is waste of money, but everybody have to learn.

    Get some good WHEY instead IMO.
    I like this.

    Also, the ONLY effective TB i can think of, and have used several times with success, is DAA. It works - for me and several others on this board.

    Do a search. This topic has been beat to death and comes up twice a wk. Tons of threads and info bro.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    cheers for the help guys, just like i thought though.. waste of time and money, would rather invest in good nutrition

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I spent oodles of money on test boosters when I was around 22, cause the guy at the sup store pushed em like they were going to make me and my buddies huge.... Oh being young and nieve, what a waste of a hard earned dollar. See the picture of a ripped dude on the front and instantly you think "yep, that will be me!"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Have used them ..and have considered it wasted money ..Ithink I even ge health issues from the last one someone stated above daa was the only thing that I even felt a kick was good for a bit

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    I spent oodles of money on test boosters when I was around 22, cause the guy at the sup store pushed em like they were going to make me and my buddies huge.... Oh being young and nieve, what a waste of a hard earned dollar. See the picture of a ripped dude on the front and instantly you think "yep, that will be me!"
    When I worked at GNC, I used to pimp those test boosters to older guys and to scrawny kids looking to get big quick. Stuff never worked, but they all had the hope that it would. I made quite a bit of commission off that garbage.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong

    When I worked at GNC, I used to pimp those test boosters to older guys and to scrawny kids looking to get big quick. Stuff never worked, but they all had the hope that it would. I made quite a bit of commission off that garbage.
    My brother in law is on the test booster band wagon. Six weeks already. No change in strength or size but plenty of acne.

    I keep telling him his nutrition sucks. He just won't listen. At least his face is a nice mess now. Good job buddy, keep on taking that crap. Lol


  16. #16
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    My brother in law is on the test booster band wagon. Six weeks already. No change in strength or size but plenty of acne.

    I keep telling him his nutrition sucks. He just won't listen. At least his face is a nice mess now. Good job buddy, keep on taking that crap. Lol

    You know if people would just do a little bit of googling on the test boosters they're thinking about running, they'd find out how useless they are. It really comes down to the fact that they're kind of lazy. They don't do the necessary research. They usually don't want to invest the years in to training/dieting to build the body that they want. They wont even take the time to plan their meals out. They just want big muscles and low bodyfat NOW and that leaves them as prey for the supplement industry.

    I've got a brother in law that abuses Hydroxycut and a bunch of other weight loss supplements in the hopes that it'll thin him out. He isn't motivated enough to go to the gym and actually work out. And it couldn't be the fast food and daily case of beer that make him fat. You can't help some people.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by BulkCity View Post
    Have currently been training for 2 years now and have had some pretty decent gains..
    This winter im highly considering bringing in a test booster or Gh booster into my supplementation
    I have read many contradicting articles however.. most say are that test boosters are just a waste of time and Gh boosters are just an expensive way to get good sleep..
    Anyones opinion on which of the two would be better to gain muscle and why would be much appreciated
    ive also noticed many boosters have different ingrediants
    what are some key ingrediants to look out for when choosing which one to go with
    There are no real TEST or GH over the counter 'boosters'. Its either the real thing or try SARMS and/or Peptides

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