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Thread: Prohormone?

  1. #1
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
    Dougiefresh7707 is offline Senior Member
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    Please expand on these compounds also if anyone has taken them and their results please
    4-chloro-17a-methyl-andro-4-ene-3, 17b-diol (Halodrol)
    2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol (Epistane)

  2. #2
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Prohormones are NOT supplements and the risk-benefit ratio they present is way off compared to both AAS and OTC supplements, which is why you should most certainly stay away from them.

  3. #3
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
    Dougiefresh7707 is offline Senior Member
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    There is a lot of things that are said about them but not all the risk are completely true everything for pro hormones to aas have risks especially on the liver also the not being a supplement may be true but on the market it is under that categorie so I posted it here but if aas was easily available it would be my choice as of now but this isn't the case presently

  4. #4
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Aas is very easy to get. There are many over seas LEGIT websites u can order from. Just double check your source prior to ordering.

  5. #5
    oatmeal69's Avatar
    oatmeal69 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    There is a lot of things that are said about them but not all the risk are completely true everything for pro hormones to aas have risks especially on the liver also the not being a supplement may be true ...
    You need to do some reading then. Prohormones are WORTHLESS. You may as well take a spoonful of Drain-O for all the good it will do your muscles and liver.

    (Disclaimer: Do NOT eat Drain-O, ever!)

  6. #6
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
    Dougiefresh7707 is offline Senior Member
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    Has anyone here read the thread all you need to know about pro hormones ever? In the fitness forum

  7. #7
    cantstopkane's Avatar
    cantstopkane is offline Junior Member
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    I feel as this thread is drifting from the question.

    Injectable steroids are safer and more effective then prohormones obviously.

    Most Oral steroids are normally more potent then 90% of pro hormones including the 2 you have listed (some of the now banned ones were quite powerful but most of these were liver killers).

    That being said these 2 have a low toxicity compared to most, some what similar to anavar .

    Now comparing the two starting with similarities. They are both considered the begginer prohormone, they both dont convert to estrogen and they both are effective cutters and recompers, both are considered to have low sides. Both are touted to give 10-12 pounds keeping 8-10 on a 4-6 week cycle with a serm pct

    Now differences

    Epi was created as a anti breast cancer drug in japan, in actuality it is a designer steriod and not a prohormone. Because it was desighned for this it has resonably strong ai effect causing loss of water weght and increased vascularity. But it also has the potential to give low estrogen sides like joint pain. Its ai potency is strong enough to even get rid of mild gyno which I have seen someone I know do. Supposedly has little effect on libido. It is in the dht family so if you have a pre disposition to hairloss this is not for you.

    Now halo in actuality is a prohormone and a steroid , it is active on its own but part of it will convert to turinabol , this compound while not being able to aromatize dose not supress estrogen so gyno and water retention are possible, it also hits libido. Probly becuse it dosnt kill estro tho its know for better gains up to 15 pounds if diet and training are golden. It also has no dht activity so its hair safe.

    Now as stated steroids are better safer and not that hard to aquire. And its not really healthy to run a cycle without test as the base

    I have friends who use these compounds regularly tho with test as kickers or enders, espsially epi. Halo only really as a kicker. Their reasoning is it gives similar size gains to anavar (no where near the strength tho) with simmilar liver toxicity and a slightly lower price as anavar runs expensive and is often just relabled winstrol .

    remember these will shut you down and you will need a real serm and perferrably a post cycle ai in case of rebound.

    As a disclaimer
    No idea how old you are but If you are below 25 you are too young to play with your hormone levels and if you are a synthetic hormone virgin it is much safer to begin with a synthetic copy of the natural hormone in your body, test, where there is a very linear correlation between your dosages and your resulting test levels, unlike some other steroids.

    Disclaimer aside not trying to flame you at all bro, your only asking a question which is Great, thats the best way to get informed.
    Last edited by cantstopkane; 04-20-2013 at 11:34 AM.

  8. #8
    auswest is offline Banned
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    I have used both you have mentioned, yes I saw results, but also experienced unwanted sides like gyno and acne. Stick to compounds you can trust and with plenty of information and research on, I regret using prohormones, the ones you have listed are actually designer steroids as they do not require conversion once entering your body.

    I suffered greater testicular atrophy from 4 weeks of epistane than I did from 8 weeks of tren ....and when I went to the toilet for a $##t it was becoming white indicating liver problems, and yes I was using plenty of liver care supps and not drinking.... Nasty stuff
    Last edited by auswest; 04-20-2013 at 01:52 PM.

  9. #9
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
    Dougiefresh7707 is offline Senior Member
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    Well I haven't had any side what was the doses you were taking I also am using pct when I stop I also am seeing results too pretty good one but like I said no sides also did u use them at the same time

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