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Thread: fat burners

  1. #1
    mach_1_guy2009 is offline New Member
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    fat burners

    how do you all feel about the fat burning supplements out there like xenedrine and such?

    do they work? work good? waste of money? etc.

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    I'd say unless they are yohimbe, ephedrine, clen or DNP based they are probably a waste of money....

    But it depends on the stats of the person too...
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

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  3. #3
    fitizens_united is offline New Member
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    Ephedrine HCL and Yohimbine HCL are the backbone of my cuts (never at the same time). The only bad experience I've had with either was a nasty caffeine withdrawal after coming off an EC stack. I didn't wean off of it and didn't take into account just how much my body had accustomed to it.

    I don't really feel like they're all that they're cut up to be. I just take them because taking something 3 times a day for cutting reminds me that I'm cutting, and stops me from cheating on my meals. The appetite suppression and increased energy are very real effects though. I've only had palpitations once, and that's when I took a dose too close to doing cardio.

    Like most people here will agree though, most (albeit not all) supplements will not come close to burning fat as much as a determined diet and strict workout plan will. There is no miracle to any of it with the exception of Clen /T3 and DNP , which I highly do not recommend unless you are a competition bodybuilder or fighter. Even then, still not without extensive knowledge, willpower, and some kind of medical awareness. There are safer ways to burn fat for the average Joe.

  4. #4
    Scottsdale's Avatar
    Scottsdale is offline New Member
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    Remember that supplements are "plug-ins," and never as effective as when the chemistry of your body is already at its peek efficiency. The majority of your fat oxidation will happen when your gh levels are at their highest, during a deep sleep (75% of your daily secretion). Always make sure you get 8 hours and that your body can manage a healthy metabolism (especially with sleep and lots of water) before trying to manipulate the metabolism with supplements.

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