Originally Posted by
Times Roman
the age old debate of how much is too much!
Economically -
100% whey isolate is about a buck a scoop, and large AA eggs are about a dime a piece. You know you are consuming too much protein powder when, after having just purchased 5 lbs, your son tells you "we're out of protein powder again dad!" and you are thinking "Damn! That was a quick $50!!"
Digestively -
You know you are consuming too much protein powder when your body begins developing noxious putrid gas and no one in the house wants to be by you.
Nutritionally -
Ideally, you should receive most of your nutrition/macros from whole foods. However, that is not always practical, and protein powder is a great way to fill in the gaps. Many will eat their three main meals, and then hit a protein powder shake with some oats between meals as the need arises.