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Thread: Mt2

  1. #1
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    I'll be the first to say it - I'm a ghostly white mafukka. I can't tan naturally because I'll just burn and get more freckled (ugh). Spray tanning is a huge pain in the ass, messy, etc. So, I'm looking for some solid info on MT2. I've seen people swear by it, but I've also seen some negatives... warts developing, concern for skin cancer, etc.

    Anybody have well documented info?

  2. #2
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    did you check out the stickie on it in the spa? That was the thread that got me to take the plunge on it. It should arrive in the next 24 hours or so, so sadly I can't give any real review on the substance .... yet!!

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt View Post
    did you check out the stickie on it in the spa? That was the thread that got me to take the plunge on it. It should arrive in the next 24 hours or so, so sadly I can't give any real review on the substance .... yet!!
    Good thread, but there are no experiences in there. Just a couple guys who said they started it and never followed up.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Good thread, but there are no experiences in there. Just a couple guys who said they started it and never followed up.
    haha very true, I might have to take a few pics if I have success .... who knows you might even be able to see me standing in front of the white walls of my apartment

  5. #5
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    Didn't know the sticky existed tbh, lol. I'll check it out now though, thx.

  6. #6
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I'm far from an expert on MTII but I don't think it will increase your cancer risk much if any unless you mean from the peptide itself. Seems, if anything, it will be more protective in that is causes the body to respond (hyper respond?) to uva and uvb. Also it takes very little time under the sun to get a dark tan and that in itself has to be a bonus when it comes to skin cancer. Darker skin people are far less susceptible to skin cancer than are fair skinned people. Here is an intersesting site that may help. There are of course many others.

    Skin Cancer - What Is Skin Cancer? | ehealthMD

    I started using it in early April and it took very little time to tan. I spend about and hour and fifteen minutes outside while biking and maybe two hours on the weekend by the pool. Occasionaly longer on other occasions such as when we hiked last weekend. We were out for almost 5 hours and my son (fair skinned) burned on his neck and a little on his face. I went without a shirt and had no problems at all. I now only take a weekly maintenance dose and it seems to be holding my tan steady. I did notice at first my tan was as red (think Native American) as it was brown but that must have just been a phase since I am now brown.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by Brazensol; 05-29-2013 at 02:35 PM.

  7. #7
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    MTII works! In fact, if you use to much it works to well. I got so dark I was getting hit on by black chicks at the gym! lol Start off with a very low dose as MTII can make some people nauseous. Not sure if you use tanning beds but I would inject 250mcg 30 mins before tanning and 250mcg immediately after tanning and this worked nicely.

  8. #8
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Also, if you look at my log under the nutrition section you can see my before and after MTII... (shameless plug but I'm kind of lonely over there and I heard talking to yourself is not healthy ) lol.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    Also, if you look at my log under the nutrition section you can see my before and after MTII... (shameless plug but I'm kind of lonely over there and I heard talking to yourself is not healthy ) lol.
    nice progress it gives me hope

    also I have heard the same, but the voices keep telling me that it's perfectly healthy and everyone else is jealous that they don't have as good conversations with themselves in their own head as I do

  10. #10
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    Where are you guys picking up this stuff? Online i'm guessing

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    Where are you guys picking up this stuff? Online i'm guessing
    arr has it

  12. #12
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    I have to say you have piqued my interest in this stuff. I think I am whiter than you gb, so I am reading up on it. I don't develop freckles (anymore), but I tend to only burn. From what I read, MT2 acts on EVERY cell that contains melanin, including your EYES. There have been rare examples of moles appearing on retinas! This obviously is a little scary to me. I think I am going to have to pass up on it.
    Last edited by basketballfan22; 05-30-2013 at 12:42 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    I'm far from an expert on MTII but I don't think it will increase your cancer risk much if any unless you mean from the peptide itself. Seems, if anything, it will be more protective in that is causes the body to respond (hyper respond?) to uva and uvb. Also it takes very little time under the sun to get a dark tan and that in itself has to be a bonus when it comes to skin cancer. Darker skin people are far less susceptible to skin cancer than are fair skinned people. Here is an intersesting site that may help. There are of course many others.

    Skin Cancer - What Is Skin Cancer? | ehealthMD

    I started using it in early April and it took very little time to tan. I spend about and hour and fifteen minutes outside while biking and maybe two hours on the weekend by the pool. Occasionaly longer on other occasions such as when we hiked last weekend. We were out for almost 5 hours and my son (fair skinned) burned on his neck and a little on his face. I went without a shirt and had no problems at all. I now only take a weekly maintenance dose and it seems to be holding my tan steady. I did notice at first my tan was as red (think Native American) as it was brown but that must have just been a phase since I am now brown.

    Hope this helps.
    Thanks for the info Braz!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    MTII works! In fact, if you use to much it works to well. I got so dark I was getting hit on by black chicks at the gym! lol Start off with a very low dose as MTII can make some people nauseous. Not sure if you use tanning beds but I would inject 250mcg 30 mins before tanning and 250mcg immediately after tanning and this worked nicely.
    Thx man... I'm so uninformed, I wasn't aware you still had to go tanning in order for it to work. I figured you just injected, and poof! Your skin changes color. Not the case, gotcha. Glad I started this thread!

    PS - nothing wrong with being hit on by black chicks... unless you ain't packin' to please em'! lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    Also, if you look at my log under the nutrition section you can see my before and after MTII... (shameless plug but I'm kind of lonely over there and I heard talking to yourself is not healthy ) lol.
    lol, will do Braz.

    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22 View Post
    I have to say you have piqued my interest in this stuff. I think I am whiter than you gb, so I am reading up on it. I don't develop freckles (anymore), but I tend to only burn. From what I read, MT2 acts on EVERY cell that contains melanin, including your EYES. There have been rare examples of moles appearing on retinas! This obviously is a little scary to me. I think I am going to have to pass up on it.
    This is what I'm most worried about bro, just moles in general... and gatdamn... moles on the eyes!!?!?! That's some scary shit, hardly worth a nice tan.

  14. #14
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    i am using it and it works!

    it makes moles and freckles darker, but gives a nice tan

    i tan very easy. was in the sun for a day and a halfm and i am already pretty dark

    it will also make your mongrel hungry!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    i am using it and it works!

    it makes moles and freckles darker, but gives a nice tan

    i tan very easy. was in the sun for a day and a halfm and i am already pretty dark

    it will also make your mongrel hungry!!!!!!!!!!!
    you're in Houston! Just go stand outside for 20 minutes!

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    you're in Houston! Just go stand outside for 20 minutes!

    i will def be getting some this weekend, plan on getting pool side!

    been busy traveling. this will be the first weekend in houston in a while

  17. #17
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    When you start you get a few bonuses too. Spontaneous erections (could be bad too, depending on where and when) and increased libido. It seems to have passed after a several doses though...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    When you start you get a few bonuses too. Spontaneous erections (could be bad too, depending on where and when) and increased libido. It seems to have passed after a several doses though...
    that is what i meant by meaning my mongrel was hungry!

  19. #19
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    Whats up GB,

    Missed the thread yesterday but here is my take based on using MTII of and on for 1.5 yrs.

    The first time I used it as suggested, I suffered a lot of the downsides you see posted. Lots of darkening of freckles, Dry mouth, Naushioush (if thats a word) feeling, Dark almost blackish look to the lips....

    However, this year I decided to try using it at a greatly reduced dosage. I mixed in 1ml of bac water and only pin 1 UI each shot this works out to 1/10th of a MG per shot I still was able to achieve very noticable changes in pigmentation without developing any of the unwanted sides.

    However I am of course no longer an MTII virgin so this I would love to see others who are try being patient and start at this low dose during the loading phase and see what their results are. For me with daily shots I still started seeing noticable changes after 2 weeks.

    So I would suggest a new user loading maybe 3-4 weeks instead of the conventional 2 weeks to allow the reduced dosage time to build up in your system, before switching to twice weekly injections ( all shots using the same .1 mg.).

    If you try this and do not see enough change you can always increase the dosage. However if you take the conventional approach and jump on the .5-1 mg shots and develop dark ass moles everywhere you had a minor skin imperfection before, its gonna take months and months to get back looking close to normal.

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  21. #21
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    I used the more conventional loading doses but by the third injection I was already getting results. It worked very quick for me. Works fairly fast on my wife too (though she never got the libido boost ((dammit))! I had a few moles (more like dark spots really) pop up and a few freckles turned really dark (almost black) but nothing excessive and nothing I have a problem with. My wife has freckles and haven't really noticed much change in hers at all. Must be a case by case issue as to what your reaction will be.

    On the other hand my doctors reaction was, "have you ever heard of sunscreen?" I decided not to let him in on the secret...

  22. #22
    I used MT2 for roughly 4 weeks at .5 mg every other day for a week then dropped to .5mg once or twice a week.

    30mins after pinning I'd get the sick feeling lots complain about. Then after a couple weeks I started developing dark spots on my face. I don't have any freckles at all so I have no clue what the spots were.
    I stop using MT2 abruptly after the spots the dark spot took about a week to disappear.

  23. #23
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    That's one of the good things I've heard is for most people any negative or excess darkening will go away after a while when you stop using it. Unlike a tattoo...

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I'll be the first to say it - I'm a ghostly white mafukka. I can't tan naturally because I'll just burn and get more freckled (ugh). Spray tanning is a huge pain in the ass, messy, etc. So, I'm looking for some solid info on MT2. I've seen people swear by it, but I've also seen some negatives... warts developing, concern for skin cancer, etc.

    Anybody have well documented info?
    I consider myself a mushroom........

    ....hiding in the shadows, afraid to be in the direct sun!

    Actually not that bad, but I do burn easily. I can tan, but it takes some work.

    The spray on SPF one billion is my best friend!! =)

  25. #25
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    Originally Posted by basketballfan22

    I have to say you have piqued my interest in this stuff. I think I am whiter than you gb, so I am reading up on it. I don't develop freckles (anymore), but I tend to only burn. From what I read, MT2 acts on EVERY cell that contains melanin, including your EYES. There have been rare examples of moles appearing on retinas! This obviously is a little scary to me. I think I am going to have to pass up on it.

    I would love to see the citation on this. I have never heard anything like this. I would suspect its a case of giving a rat 5mg per kg or bodywieght or some ridiculous shit like that that so often is used by "scientists" with an agenda. There are several drug companies that were pursuing use of this drug for skin protection and one that is still pursuing it for use as a libido/performance enhancing drug, I could not imagine any company pursing it for any use if this was a realistic study.

  26. #26
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Agree with FFM. When your on your maintenance dosage take your shot on Fridays. Makes the weekends more lively.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post

    arr has it
    Sweet! Thanks! I'll have to educate myself on how to mix it with the bac water. I have no idea how that works.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Agree with FFM. When your on your maintenance dosage take your shot on Fridays. Makes the weekends more lively.

    Keeps the mongrel hungry!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Originally Posted by basketballfan22

    I have to say you have piqued my interest in this stuff. I think I am whiter than you gb, so I am reading up on it. I don't develop freckles (anymore), but I tend to only burn. From what I read, MT2 acts on EVERY cell that contains melanin, including your EYES. There have been rare examples of moles appearing on retinas! This obviously is a little scary to me. I think I am going to have to pass up on it.

    I would love to see the citation on this. I have never heard anything like this. I would suspect its a case of giving a rat 5mg per kg or bodywieght or some ridiculous shit like that that so often is used by "scientists" with an agenda. There are several drug companies that were pursuing use of this drug for skin protection and one that is still pursuing it for use as a libido/performance enhancing drug, I could not imagine any company pursing it for any use if this was a realistic study.
    Well considering MT2 is illegal, I have been unable to find scientific studies. I was merely talking about a few cases that I read on the Internet when I Googled MT2. Because they weren't control studies, one can't technically attribute those complications on MT2. I am not trying to tell people not to do MT2 because I haven't experimented with it, and there isn't legitimate scientific evidence. I don't think one can say there aren't risks to MT2 though either. Personally, I am electing to not try it.

    I am not sure if I am allowed to post the links to the sites where I read the horror stories, so I will just tell you to Google MT2 tanning; and you will be able to read a few stories on the first few results that show up.
    Last edited by basketballfan22; 05-30-2013 at 11:01 PM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22 View Post
    I have to say you have piqued my interest in this stuff. I think I am whiter than you gb, so I am reading up on it. I don't develop freckles (anymore), but I tend to only burn. From what I read, MT2 acts on EVERY cell that contains melanin, including your EYES. There have been rare examples of moles appearing on retinas! This obviously is a little scary to me. I think I am going to have to pass up on it.
    I'm glad you've done research on this before throwing it into the mix. I admit I was alittle weiry when I 1st started taking mole became a touch darker but after around the 1st month of use this seemed to fade as I dialed in the dose and I was left with a beautiful tan. In fact, I was pretty much as dark as my hawaiian/chinese gf. No problems with the eyes and def. no moles on the retina.

    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    PS - nothing wrong with being hit on by black chicks... unless you ain't packin' to please em'! lol
    That's the problem, I'm not packing a Ron Jeremy handgun...just a pea shooter here! lol

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    I'm glad you've done research on this before throwing it into the mix. I admit I was alittle weiry when I 1st started taking mole became a touch darker but after around the 1st month of use this seemed to fade as I dialed in the dose and I was left with a beautiful tan. In fact, I was pretty much as dark as my hawaiian/chinese gf. No problems with the eyes and def. no moles on the retina.
    Yeah, I always like to read up on things before I begin using anything. Like I had said, it appears to be VERY rare; and I am sure some of the cases may have resulted from poor dosing. Experiences like yours are far more common I am sure, and it definitely makes MT2 look pretty attractive.

    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    That's the problem, I'm not packing a Ron Jeremy handgun...just a pea shooter here! lol

  32. #32
    I love MT2. Gets me darker than ever and keep me from getting burnt.
    I used 1/2mg per day and tanned 2x per week.

  33. #33
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Started a fresh batch of MT2 today and got a slight nauseous feeling shortly after the injection and some pain in the lower back that has now subsided. No flushing though. How long does this peptide keep it's potentcy in the fridge? I dosed the same amount 6 days ago from the old bottle and didn't notice any sides. In fact the last 3 or 4 injections had no sides whatsoever.

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