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Thread: Pre Workout supplment?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Pre Workout supplment?

    Do you guys use any pre workout supplement?

    I'm a cup of coffee kind of guy...but I might give a try to something like Craze, or Jack 3D...any advice?

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Just some amino acids. No powdered retail supplements for me.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Just some amino acids. No powdered retail supplements for me.

    Cup of coffee + 3g citruline and 2-3g arginine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Niacin and green tea with that coffee!!

  5. #5
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    I used to use Hemo rage ultra concentrate until they recently changed the formula. Now I used Muscle Marinade by purus labs. It does have a bunch of stims but IMO also has a pretty respectable amino acid mix as well.

  6. #6
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    Craze? no one use it?

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Is craze still on the market? I thought it was banned or something.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  8. #8
    Craze is still available. Read somewhere it was being investigated as having a banned substance. May have been on AM. Banned in Australia.
    Last edited by redhawk01; 07-13-2013 at 02:19 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by belva View Post
    Do you guys use any pre workout supplement?

    I'm a cup of coffee kind of guy...but I might give a try to something like Craze, or Jack 3D...any advice?

    Years ago,,,I LOVED a good pre workout. My all time fave was Dan Duchaines Ultimate Orange.
    These days most products over stimulate me for too long of periods so I just drink a STRONG
    16oz coffee on my way to the gym.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Is craze still on the market? I thought it was banned or something.

    Why craze banned ? Never try craze before.

  11. #11
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    I have tried Craze and it was intense.. it left me very jittery with increased palpitations.. Didn't really like it... As of right now.. I'm using speed x3 and it's very good...nice clean energy.

  12. #12
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    Yes it is available in the US and in the UK, I don't know about other countries. It was being investigated but the lawsuit has been dismissed. here the link Baseless lawsuit against Craze® dismissed | Blog

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by redhawk01 View Post
    Craze is still available. Read somewhere it was being investigated as having a banned substance. May have been on AM. Banned in Australia.
    lol pretty much everything gets banned in australia

  14. #14
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    Craze was week sauce IMO!

  15. #15
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    If I need a kick I grab a 5 hr energy shot. Have tried coffee 1 time in my life and I did not like it and I do not even like the smell so for me that works for a quick jolt.

  16. #16
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    I've used quite a few different pre-workouts. If you are looking for a stim energy boost I'd recommend jack3d or 1.M.R if you just like the pump hemo rage was awesome for me! I've never tried coffee pre-workout but I've never been very sensitive to stims like caffeine either. so it would probably take a quad shot of espresso for me to feel the boost and that sounds like a stomach ache and bathroom trips haha.

    I've noticed that changing up my pre-workout and only using it on the days I really feel like I need it help keep me "desensitized" and I feel a better stim effect.

    My favorites would be..

    1.M.R. - Grape bubblegum
    C4 - Raspberry lemonade

    MusclePharm's Assault isn't too bad but I don't like to buy products that seem to put more money into fancy labels and advertising than the product itself.

  17. #17
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    I take C4 stacked with Hemavol.

    Will steroids give you enough of a pump to disregard the Hemavol pump?

  18. #18
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    Just coffee, or some kind of caffeine.

  19. #19
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    Any PWO with 1,3 in it (;

    Craze was decent for a dmaa free PWO.

  20. #20
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    L-cittrilline @3gs
    Caffeine black coffee. I'd advise against any simple sugars personally. N make sure you've suitably had carbs far enough ahead for ur workout n ur bcaas maybe 20-30 mind b4 depending if capsuled or powdered of course. A lot find a protein shake kinda helps 45-60 minutes prior to ur bcaas too. Just to ensures fully in ur system b4 ur bcaas are put in.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Craze was week sauce IMO!
    I agree. After reading so much positive reviews I was disappointed. Prior to trying it, I had stopped all caffeine for about 4 days and prior to that I only used caffeine about 3 time per week. I tried 1.5 scoops first then 2 scoops and still nothing noticeable.

  22. #22
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    So...I trained few days with craze and what I experienced was incredible focus and that's it. I wouldn't say I feel more energy however after my training I was not tired even if I pushed harder than usual. What I mean by say I didn't feel more energy is that I compare it with what I am used to get from roids, but this is a supplement anyway.

    So for now my review is absolutely positive. 1 scoop worked fien for me.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    What's in craze then. Mostly caffeine?. Cheaper to make up ur own boosters these days.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorPectorial View Post
    What's in craze then. Mostly caffeine?. Cheaper to make up ur own boosters these days.
    It's actually low in caffeine. It has other stim or I guess neurotropics like dendrobium extract, B-Phenylethylamine and supposedly ETH which is I have heard and read is an amphetamine.

  25. #25
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    The law suit saying that it contained some sort of amphetamine has dropped. Analysis has shown that there is no trace of amphetamine.

    Regarding caffeine, well if it was so high I would perform better with 4 redbulls..and I don't.

    one more thing to add: unfortunately it taste like ass!

  26. #26
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    I read craze has only around 90mg of caffeine per scoop.

  27. #27
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    I believe caffeine has diminishing and/or inverse effects in larger doses - like a bell curve. Drinking too much can actually make you tired.

    If you are drinking 4 Red Bulls, maybe do 1 instead - especially if you drink caffeine during other parts of the day.

  28. #28
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    Yeh. Tbh to get the best out of using caffeine products there's really no point if u drink coffee throughout the day. Or even use it every gym session for 5x+ a week.
    Save the coffee for leg day with l-citt. N l-citt for the rest. N dose not much water cuz coffee burps suck @ss

  29. #29
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    I am going to try to stop all pre-workouts and caffeine for 2 weeks. IDK if I can make it. The longest I went w/o caffeine is a week.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenFitness View Post
    I believe caffeine has diminishing and/or inverse effects in larger doses - like a bell curve. Drinking too much can actually make you tired.

    If you are drinking 4 Red Bulls, maybe do 1 instead - especially if you drink caffeine during other parts of the day.
    I didn't go up to 4 redbull all at once, I started with one, then 2 and after a while with 4...when I was a professional swimmer back I could drink 4 before/during each training and we trained twice a day. Anyway, I don't drink 4 redbulls anymore. now I take have craze here and there, maybe twice a week

  31. #31
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    I have tried many PWOs and I really like Go by EXT sports. Unfortunately, you build a tolerance up on all of them so I try to only use one when I am feeling low motivation or burnt out.

    That being said, nothing seems better than having a chicken breast and some white rice about 60 - 90 min. before workout with a strong black coffee 15 min. before. I personally will make a hot cup of tar (super thick) and pour it over ice so I can slam it down quick. Seems to give me a good caffeine rush and the meal helps make the energy last as long as I need.

  32. #32
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    Jack3d with the 1,3 DMAA in it. 2 heaping scoops and off to the races!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    I have tried many PWOs and I really like Go by EXT sports. Unfortunately, you build a tolerance up on all of them so I try to only use one when I am feeling low motivation or burnt out.

    That being said, nothing seems better than having a chicken breast and some white rice about 60 - 90 min. before workout with a strong black coffee 15 min. before. I personally will make a hot cup of tar (super thick) and pour it over ice so I can slam it down quick. Seems to give me a good caffeine rush and the meal helps make the energy last as long as I need.
    I like this. Ha. Hate adding cold water to mine. But. Might drop n ice cube in n try it. I find tictacs throughout my workout seem to help me zone out. God knows why. I can just zone everything out. Its just me. N the weight. ****. I egg myself on when even my spotters ready to rack the weiggt

  34. #34
    I was reading the ingredients and didn't notice anything that could ban it, am I missing something?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon2103 View Post
    I was reading the ingredients and didn't notice anything that could ban it, am I missing something?
    Supposedly it has added ingredients not listed.

  36. #36
    Every time I use coffee pre-workout it's like it hinders my nerve-muscle connection. I'll have tons of energy but when I go to lift it's like the energy just won't pump through my muscles. I get my best workouts by eating 1-2 Clif bars, waiting 30-45 minutes, drinking a 2 scoop C4 shake, and then starting the workout when I can feel the beta-alanine tingles (usually 15-30 min). Although, I have noticed C4 seems to be less effective the more I use it. I'm sure there's a cheaper alternative to C4 that's just as good if not better.

  37. #37
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    I totally agree with Keatz. Whenever I drink coffee or use caffeine pills I feel I have a lot of energy but sth so strange prevents me to do my workout. I'd rather a meal an hour before my workout and 2 teaspoon of any accredited energy booster on the market like C4 by cellucore or Neurocore by Muscletech. I took Neurocore for almost two month and I really felt pump in my muscles. You can take more base on your tolerance.

  38. #38
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    I've had similar results with certain products that contain too much caffeine. Muscle tech ' s Nanos vapors just made me have to take a shit, and then I was too wired to work out. Like wired to the point that I felt like something was wrong with me.

    I used something called "black powder" for awhile, and it was alright.

    Right now I'm taking this muscle pharm "assault" stuff and I like it.

  39. #39
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    One more Rep worked perfect for me when I used to use it. I've taken Mesomorph, Craze, and assault and 1.M.R and I liked 1.M.R the most

  40. #40
    Nitro NCG was good stuff. One scoop and you were ready to lift the world.

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