Ok, now I'm thinking that it's the alcohol kicking in that's making me have these nice debates with my younger bro. Here it is...
Everytime I go on vacation I lose about 10-15lbs in about 2 weeks. I do drink alot and I don't eat right, I eat about 2 or 3 meals a day, don't go to the gym at all and start drinking again at about 6 or 7 pm.
It takes me about a month or so to gain the weight back when I get off vacation, because I start eating right and going back to the gym.
Being the jr. nutritionist that he is he says that it's just all dehydration, and that I didn't lose any muscle mass, small loss if any.
It's pretty obvious why to me, I think that it's just the eating, what you guys think?
Damn Smirnoff's!