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  1. #1
    NEFLRick is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2013

    Just started creatine and have a question

    So I started on creatine about a week ago so I'm still loading. Honestly, I've felt weaker at the gym this week. Not sure it's the creatine (obviously) but wondering if anyone else noticed this.

  2. #2
    NEFLRick is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2013
    Sorry, should have read the FAQ first. Posting this in the creatine faq thread.

  3. #3
    ac guy is offline Associate Member
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    I'm not on creatine, but never noticed an energy drop from it when taking it.

  4. #4
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEFLRick View Post
    So I started on creatine about a week ago so I'm still loading. Honestly, I've felt weaker at the gym this week. Not sure it's the creatine (obviously) but wondering if anyone else noticed this.
    Are you sure you eating enough(complex carbs),,drinking enough water,,,and gettong plenty of sleep?

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've never noticed what you describe from creatine.

    you can always try removing it from your diet and see if things improve.

    but if it's legit creatine (never heard of bogus creatine), then this is not something that 99.99% of us would experience

  6. #6
    probuild42 is offline Member
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    I could not get into creatine. It made me bloated and cramped (more like muscle tightness, like my muscle would not release). I stopped using it. Some guys swear by it and others not so much. Listen to your body.

    To each there own.

  7. #7
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    Creatine definitely makes you retain water. If I didn't drink over a gallon a day I felt like crap.

    There is no need to load on it though. 5 grams a day is all you really need. It's all in the creatine sticky, have a read, lots of good info in there.

  8. #8
    NEFLRick is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    Are you sure you eating enough(complex carbs),,drinking enough water,,,and gettong plenty of sleep?
    I drink about a gallon of water a day.

    Enough sleep? LOL! I've never slept all that much. I average about 6-7 hours a night.

    I know about taking it with carbs but I thought that is more to help your body absorb it better. I have been mixing it with Gatorade or my protein powder.

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