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Thread: Clean food calories VS Supplements calories

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Clean food calories VS Supplements calories

    since i have a somewhat bad schedule (daily), i cannot eat like 5 times a day, so im thinking of buying weight gainer and will drink that to gain the needed calories per day.

    is this a good or bad idea?

    and i think it will be much expensive if i buy weight gainers?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hell911
    since i have a somewhat bad schedule (daily), i cannot eat like 5 times a day, so im thinking of buying weight gainer and will drink that to gain the needed calories per day.

    is this a good or bad idea?

    and i think it will be much expensive if i buy weight gainers?
    You can't pre make your food and store it?

    If that's your only option, then you gotta do what you gotta do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by hell911
    since i have a somewhat bad schedule (daily), i cannot eat like 5 times a day, so im thinking of buying weight gainer and will drink that to gain the needed calories per day.

    is this a good or bad idea?

    and i think it will be much expensive if i buy weight gainers?
    Weight gainers are FAT gainers not muscle gainers. Don't waste the money.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Weight gainers are FAT gainers not muscle gainers. Don't waste the money.
    I've used a few and that's what they do. Even protein shakes "bloat" me.

    REAL CLEAN FOOD is the way to go. If only I knew, was told, or believed when I was younger....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    t-dogg, the "protein shake" you are referring to includes homemade whey protein shake(you know, like mix everything, bananas,strawberrys,oatmeal,peanutbutter,etc.)?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg

    I've used a few and that's what they do. Even protein shakes "bloat" me.

    REAL CLEAN FOOD is the way to go. If only I knew, was told, or believed when I was younger....
    Yes sir. I used weight gainer shakes with my training (5 days a week) 5 years ago and went from 170lbs to 205lbs. Unfortunately almost all of that was NOT LBM gains!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    so you guys suggest that i should not buy Whey protein, and mix it with all kind of stuff and use blender?

    what is LBM gain, is it good or bad?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by hell911
    so you guys suggest that i should not buy Whey protein, and mix it with all kind of stuff and use blender?

    what is LBM gain, is it good or bad?
    If you can mix a shake you should be able to grab a can of tuna and mix it with a little low fat mayo. That's more protein than the shake will give most likely.

    In a pinch I buy Tyson pre cooked breasts, teriyaki flavor, tuna cans, even sweet potatoes in a can. Anything canned is going to have higher sodium but it will blow doors on a shake.

    In my experience one shake a day post work out is all I need. And of course I put a cup of raw rolled oats, 12 oz low fat milk, 2 tbsp peanut butter and usually a banana or other frozen fruit and blend it. That shake is just over 1000 calories of mostly real food. Way better than any sugar filled weight gainer. Plus it will cost you 1/4 the price.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    so, i should go for home made protein shake.

    do you think i should skip some meals and drink 2 servings of protein shakes per day, each serving will be like 1300 calories?

    or maybe i can skip all meals and drink protein shakes 2 times a day? good or bad idea?

    back then i was able to make about 1,500 calorie protein shake, but i had to eat some meals with it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Supplements are "supplements". I would never plan on skipping meals for a shake. Terrible idea. Shakes are the icing on the cake man, not the cake itself. Shoot in a pinch I even go to panda and get a two item. Brown rice and two items teriyaki chicken with the teriyaki sauce on the side (which I throw away). If you are bulking absolutely nothing will replace real food.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    for example only... what if i drink only whey protein shakes for 6 months (and maybe 1 meal per day) for bulking purposes.
    calories,protein,carbs,fat,etc per day... everything is perfect.

    so what do you guys think will be the outcome?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hell911
    t-dogg, the "protein shake" you are referring to includes homemade whey protein shake(you know, like mix everything, bananas,strawberrys,oatmeal,peanutbutter,etc.)?

    No. I stay away from most fruits most of the time. This is regular supplement company shakes.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Yes sir. I used weight gainer shakes with my training (5 days a week) 5 years ago and went from 170lbs to 205lbs. Unfortunately almost all of that was NOT LBM gains!

    I have a friend who loves "Russian bear" weight gainer. Always looks bloated, alot of water. Not my cup of tea...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Just eat. I work construction and 3 of my meals a day are out of a cooler. Chicken breasts, beef, turkey all taste good cold and brown rice is ok too. Throw in some hard boiled eggs and a can of tuna and you are good. I make a cold omelette with egg, brown rice, ham, jalapenos and it tastes great cold.

    If there is a will, you will find a way. Screw the shakes. Save your money and eat real food and get some nutrition from your calories.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    my problem with eating food is i get full very fast(even with small amount of food), that's why im leaning towards the homemade protein shakes.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hell911
    my problem with eating food is i get full very fast(even with small amount of food), that's why im leaning towards the homemade protein shakes.
    Stretch your stomach.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    By doing what makes you feel full. Eating and drinking lots of water. Not by eating less and drinking shakes.

    Nothing wrong with getting full fast, just eat more often.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    this is what i planned.

    500ml = 320 calories
    Protein = 18g
    Carbs = 24g

    Whey Protein
    3 Scoops = 360 calories
    Protein = 72g

    Olive Oil
    2 Tablespoons = 30ml
    = 240 calories

    2 pcs = 210 calories
    Carbs = 54g

    2 Tablespoons = 172 calories
    Protein = 5.5g
    Carbs = 26g

    Peanut Butter
    2 Tablespoons = 230 calories
    Protein = 8g
    Carbs = 16g

    Koko Krunch
    calories: 133
    protein: 4.3g
    carbs: 19.7g

    Calories = 1665 calories
    Protein = 107.8g
    Carbs = 139.7g
    Fat: 76g
    Fat from calories : 590

    These items all go in blender and mixed, this can make like 600-800ml of shake
    my question is, is this a good way of making shakes or not? and if this shake will give me better gains than the "weight gainers"?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hell911
    this is what i planned.

    my question is, is this a good way of making shakes or not? and if this shake will give me better gains than the "weight gainers"?
    Sure there is.they are great right after a work out. Then you eat solid food.

    As I said real food is better then just shakes.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I have to get in at least one shake per day and especially PWO. The best gainer I have found is Optimum Pro Complex Gainer. About 650 calories and only 6 grams of sugar, 60g protein and 85g carbs. And the banana flavor is awesome. Love it!

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