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so, I know supplement companies want us to believe that if u don't eat strait after your workout you are gonna lose all your muscle, i mean they said you are in an extreme catabolism moment ,almost about to die...so you need to get your protein shake as soon as possible mate otherwise you're ruin your progress etc... Well, i followed this theory for 10years, actually are exactly 10years. NOW, I went to a sport med seminar and i've been told that you have the biggest release of grow hormon after your training. But if you eat something you'll trigger the insulin and grow hormone and insuline they don't really get alone. As a result if u get your protein shake or your meal strait after training you'll actually shout down that natural production of grow hormone.So my plan for the following month is to test the difference. I will eat my meal/protein shake 1hour and 15 minutes after my training...just to be sure.. And let's see how it goes...how long do u guys usually wait before eating after training?