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Thread: Thermorexin

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  1. #1
    chinups Guest


    What do you guys think about this product? I have seen some post on elite about it but is there anyone who can say anything about it that doesn't work for AF. Thanks

    FYI-I use AF for many supps so I am not hating but I would like to see someone say something about it that doesnt work for them


  2. #2
    the only person posting results in the elite thread that works for AF is ulter.

    there are at least a dozen + "independant" reports in that thread alone.. there are also decent feedback threads on anabolex, anabolic science and AF as well.

  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    I have seen the one that you started. It is getting some good feedback. Its a little pricey but I will give it a try.....

    Bump for any other feedback

  4. #4
    this is one of the longer better threads on the topic..

    warning its VERY LONG.. with nearly 400 posts (already)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Funny. I spent the whole damn day.. YES All day reading about this product.
    I ordered NYC+ from AF and I got a sample pack.

    Results thus far : Very good.
    For not being an ephedra based thermogenic it is very multi faceted.
    THEY ARE STRONG. I popped one then another exactly an hour later.
    \I was flying.Imean VERY alert, NO hunger. I felt the heat increase in my lower abdomen area and lower to middle of my back.

    Not to much sweating, and i sweat thinking about sweat.

    I will say cardio is a freaking breeze.

    Im not calling it a wonder drug. Cardio and Diet are first !!!!!
    But its better than Hydroxycut to me...

    Macro I read about you. Good Job....
    The only thing I have going on right now is a headache. I may need to hydrate myself.

  6. #6
    chinups Guest
    I ordered some stuff from AF for my girl and she has sample pack, I will try saturday and see what the rave is about. Good look Nuke!

  7. #7

    btw- use the


    discount code to get "board price"

  8. #8
    chinups Guest
    I know!!!! I found out after I spent 150 on shit.. Next time I guess


  9. #9

  10. #10
    chinups Guest


    I have no updates I opted to run with eca stack instead b/c I needed to start the day I picked up eca. My boy is doing them and loves them, get's a nice sweat during workout. IMO-a little pricey for a fat burner.

  11. #11
    I have been using this stuff for almost two weeks and it does nothing for me. I actually took some of it and fell asleep for two hours. The first day I took it I started as recommended. The second day I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I did six/day, but I have not had any sort of reason to think it is too much or too powerful. I will continue to use it for another week and then I am switching back to my ECA. Wish I could have given a better review.

  12. #12

    couple of Q's

    water intake?
    type of diet?
    doing cardio?
    previous stimulant use/ dosage

    most common reasons for not getting any stim effect is dehydration or depleted neurotransmitters (can be offset by supplementing tyrosine).. or SOME among those that use heavy stims (speed, etc.. or high dose EC).. though as with anything there will be some non responders.. though the falling asleep is indicative of inadequate water and/or tyrosine

  13. #13
    Originally posted by sigrabbit
    I have been using this stuff for almost two weeks and it does nothing for me. I actually took some of it and fell asleep for two hours. The first day I took it I started as recommended. The second day I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I did six/day, but I have not had any sort of reason to think it is too much or too powerful.
    While I didn't go and pop six on the second day, my results (or lack thereof) were the same--back to Animal Cuts for me.

  14. #14
    it will not have the high stimulant effect, for most people, that animal cuts has.. which is a high ephedra/ high caffiene(from green tea and guarana) stack.. so that may have been why it was a "come down" for you.

    and you may have noticed a backlash of water retention when you went off animal cuts (it contains decent amounts of strong diuretics)-ie a considerable part of its apparent effects are diuresis.

    btw- the use of st johns wort with ephedra has been proscribed.. so not sure why its in there.. and that also futher "jacks" the CNS.. not the best idea..

  15. #15
    note- as with anything not everyone will respond as well to one thermogenic/stimulant as another.. and often the level of CNS stim desired/valued varies considerably... so perhaps animal cuts or something along those lines will better meet your personal expectations.

  16. #16
    Originally posted by macrophage69alpha

    and you may have noticed a backlash of water retention when you went off animal cuts (it contains decent amounts of strong diuretics)-ie a considerable part of its apparent effects are diuresis.
    Haven't seen hide nor hair of that, thankfully, and I've been cycling it on and off for four months.

    As for stimulant effect of Animal Cuts, I don't even really notice it truth be told.

    As for Thermorexin, well, it may very well work over the long haul but since I only used the free samples that came with my r-ALA and with the admonition that "It's very strong" on the label it came in, I was expecting some sort of stimulation based on that.
    Last edited by Short_Guy; 06-25-2003 at 02:37 AM.

  17. #17
    chinups Guest


    At this point in the game fat burners are widely used, you can obtain a fat burner now for like 20-25 dollars. Why is this product so pricey? how long does it last?

  18. #18
    Hey guys
    I'm currently taking creatine but i have some fat i would like to get rid of. I've been browsing and I came to the conclusion i'm going to use a combo of Thermorexin/Yohimburn ES

    Do you think it is a good combination to take with creatine?

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