I'm a 25yr old male(5'5" & about 140lbs & 12%bf), been lifting for about 2 years now diet has been on point with macros & everything now for about 6 months. I got ahold of 2 bottles of nutraclipse raptor & I was wondering if anyone had used it? I read that it would help gain some lean mass while also leaning out so long as I kept my diet in check. I'm wanting to gain about 5lbs & get to single digit bf with these two bottles.

Also I'm not sure if I should post somewhere else or not too, but I was wondering what Pct exactly I should use to come off of it?
Please ask any questions & I'd appreciate any advice!

Nutraclipse raptor ingredients:
2a, 17a-dimethyl-5a-androst-3-one, 17-b-ol = 10mg
2a, 17a-dimethyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol,3',-azine = 10mg