what is the best way to eliminate/curve sugar cravings when the willpower just isnt enough.. i have been resaerching alot and came up with a few like 5htp and satietrol, and some presriptiondrugs i was just wondering what you guys would do in this situatuin. all i need is about 12-16 weeks without sugar and my workout and dieting will be all worth it im indulging in cookies and milk every two to three days or muffins i need to kick it out of my regimen, i stil eat the 6 meals train hard and take vitamins but its just that little period when im at work(by the way i work in a grocery store with a fully eqipped bakery)..![]()
thank you
geo 1
p.s dont reply to the post with the you need willpower bullshit
i think we all learned that gig back when started walking imo