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  1. #1
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    T3 I need some help

    Ok so I started a very strict diet plan on like the 6th of this month, started noticing some awesome progress, I mean I have been dieting for a long time, so I was already depleted etc. I noticed some great changes for about a week, almost looked more muscular too, abs starting to look great. I started T3 at 50 mcg on like the 11th, and I seemed to feel pretty good, I wasn't stronger but weights didn't feel as heavy and didn't feel as fatigued. Decent energy at work etc considering severe calorie restriction and overall a rough week last week with everything. But then over the weekend I started to look like crap, granted I picked up a nice cold, I stuck with my plan. I feel fatter, my lower abdomen looks like it is sticking out worse, look like I have less muscle definition. Last week I was feeling really small around the waist and gut area and now it feels like my gut is bigger just in the past like 4 days.

    It might sound crazy but the only explanation I can think myself is that my dose is too low or too infrequent. Like it is high enough to tell my thyroid not not produce it's own, but yet not enough to do the trick. Like it worked at first because I still had some of my own t4 t3 and then as I stopped producing my dose didn't cut it. So I wonder if I need to start dosing something like 50 mcg in the am and 25 in the evening. I mean I don't have an elevated body temperature, or an increase in blood pressure, or anything of that nature. I also tend to need a lot more of medications to get the same effect as others, and my test cyp I metabolize extremely fast and it gets out of my system fairly quick, hence I need frequent injections.

    I don't know if this is just an illusion, but I went from what I thought looked awesome to complete trash in a matter of days, doesn't sound right. I'm probably just being stupid, but the last thing I want is to put on fat and lose muscle while I am restricting myself so heavily, and doing so much cardio etc.

  2. #2
    Reiid13's Avatar
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    Might be that t3 has sucked all glycogen out of you

    Im cutting atm , im 6ft3 and quite broad , but when I cut with a big caloric deficit , I feel skin and bone in the gym , at get consious when im in a t-shirt :/

  3. #3
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    I supposed that is possibly, but I would have assumed glycogen levels were already low as I was eating 0 carb prior, and with my diet change I included carbs but yet still lost 15 lbs in a little over a week to wear I looked great, will see what I weigh in a couple more days, but I almost think things have reversed and I might have put some lbs on which shouldn't have been possible with what I am doing dietary wise.

  4. #4
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    I supposed that is possibly, but I would have assumed glycogen levels were already low as I was eating 0 carb prior, and with my diet change I included carbs but yet still lost 15 lbs in a little over a week to wear I looked great, will see what I weigh in a couple more days, but I almost think things have reversed and I might have put some lbs on which shouldn't have been possible with what I am doing dietary wise.
    15 lbs is a week. How much do you have to lose?
    50mcg of t3 is plenty!

    Sounds like your body is all over the place. Your running zero carbs is extremely tough also.

    what gear are you running?

  5. #5
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    I actually dropped my test dose down a significant amount below regular trt dose. Lots of gear won't start for a couple more weeks, and even then will be losing fat for most of the cycle.

    I've lost 63 lbs in the last year technically, I don't have a ton to lose, maybe from when I started a couple weeks ago at least 20 lbs of just fat to get well under 10%.

    I dunno, right now I have a splitting headache today, eyeballs have been blood shot for a couple days but they are getting better, but mainly from being sick and training through it so rigorously. I mean I did 77 minutes of cardio last night, felt like everything around me was moving when I got done. BP and body temp are fine. I wouldn't normally do a fast approach like this, but I have my reasons. And in part want to get it over with and back to focusing on huge muscle and being strong as inhumanly possible.

    Should I at least split the 50 mcg into twice a day to make things more even?

  6. #6
    Joeshmo is offline New Member
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    I had a similar run in with t3 and tried 2 days on 2 days of still had the same decrease in bf and I think the sides where less no headache or nausea. I also ate more carbs on day I take t3 and less the days I was off! This worked good for me! I'm interested if anyone else's to chime in. I hope that helps you

  7. #7
    Reiid13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post

    Should I at least split the 50 mcg into twice a day to make things more even?
    T3 has a half life of approx 2-2 .5 days .

    I believe there would be no difference if you took it all in the morning , or in two doses

  8. #8
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Head ache I got on day 4 pretty bad and all day long. Have not had one since. I wouldn't lower test dose while on t3.

  9. #9
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Well my headache is gone, I thought it was from being sick, but yesterday it was really bad, took 50 mcg in morning then 25 in evening. Just going to do 25 in am and 25 in evening for a while I think. I'll be upping it in a couple weeks when test dose is increased. But I lost another 8 lbs this week.

    I metabolize different than most, so I understand the 2 day half life, but If I go through it much much faster than most, maybe splitting it will reduce how it is able to get and it won't waste as much muscle, and never dip low enough to be a problem for fat loss, may sound crazy but going to try it.

  10. #10
    gearbox's Avatar
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    If that makes you worry less than awesome. 75mcg is a lot

  11. #11
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    If that makes you worry less than awesome. 75mcg is a lot
    Thanks, I think that it will help me mentally honestly. I will be taking plenty of test when I bump up to 75, and it should only be for 3 weeks maybe 4 I'm thinking max.

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