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Thread: Post workout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Post workout

    Hey guys just a quick question that came to mind. Iv always mixed my creatine with my whey protein post work out. However whey has l-glutamine in it. I'm aware that glutamine and creatine shouldn't be taken at the same time which leads to my question .. Should I just keep given er? Or start taking my creatine pre work out and glutamine and whey post? I want my post workout insulin spike to be as beneficial as possible!



    Creatine-jetmass by gat
    Protein-Whey ON
    Multie animal pak
    B12 40mg 1s week with insulin needle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    In the grand scheme of things I doubt it will make a difference if you consume them together or at separate times.

  3. #3
    You're wasting your time worrying about PWO insulin spikes, it simply does not make much of a difference. Glutamine is also largely an overhyped supplement. Having said that, you can take both together without issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Layne Norton
    Myth: "Don't take your creatine with protein because protein contains glutamine and glutamine competes with creatine for the same transporter!"

    The Real Deal: There's not an ounce of truth to this. Creatine and glutamine have completely different receptors. Creatine transport into skeletal muscle is regulated by the Creatine Transporter while glutamine transport into skeletalmuscle is regulated by a system known as "System Nm." The only thing these transporters have in common is that they are both sodium-dependent transporters, meaning that they use differences in sodium concentrations across the cell membrane to drive creatine into cells. Apparently somewhere along the line, somebody believed that since glutamine and creatine transporters both shared that characteristic, they must be the same transporter and the myth spread from there. Let the confusion end here: they do not share the same transporter, and taking protein/glutamine with creatine won't decrease creatine uptake into muscle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    What doc said^^ sorta. I spike my insulin levels PWO but mainly for the sake of quickly replenishing my glycogen stores since my weight training borderlines on what some guys I know would call cardio, 45 minutes and my pulse never drops below 125.

    Old school thinking says creatine must be taken with a huge dose of simple carbs to spike insulin or else you're body just flushes it out. This is partially supplement company hype. Creatine Monohydrate is extremely cheap to produce and therefore cheap to buy. But you mix 10g of creatine with 75g of dextrose and throw in some BCAA's, vitamin C and give it an overly intense label its suddenly a $50 product instead of a $15 dollar product.

    All this is based on some study done at the university of Wisconsin that muscletech sited when they made cell-tech. The truth is after the first couple days (loading phase) there is no point in spiking insulin levels anymore. You're body has taken up as much creatine as it possibly can. All thats required at this point is a simple 3-5gram maintenance dose.

    Glutamine is overhyped because its the most prevalent amino acid in skeletal muscle. But you're already getting all the glutamine you need from your PWO whey. Its also the most prevalent amino acid in most animal muscle that we eat. Supplementation of this AA simply isn't needed IMHO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Awesome answers thanks for the knowledge guys!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    over the years, I've tried almost everything ('cept slin and HGH). Almost everything is over hyped.

    protein powder is only good if your diet is lacking sufficient protein.

    creatine is the real deal.

    a good multi is a good idea.

    AAS obviously works.

    but beyond that..........?

    most here should probably just focus on a good diet

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