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Thread: Which supplements are actually useful and worth the money?!

  1. #1

    Which supplements are actually useful and worth the money?!

    As of right now I take whey after workouts.
    5g creatine daily
    Fish oil
    Joint support. (Glucosamine chondratin msm)
    And hydroxycut hardcore. Mainly for the appetite suppression and it doubles as my coffee for work.

    What other supplements are useful. Especially to avoid going catabolic when trying to lose fat. There's so many different aminos and stuff and there's arguments for both sides all over the internet with little scientific back up.

    Please let me know all the supplements you take and why for each.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    1) Quality Food
    2) Quality Food
    3) Quality Food

    Sups, IMHO, are merely to fill-in gaps where food or time comes up short. Far too many people are relying on sups in place of learning how to eat correctly. My $0.02

  3. #3
    I'm very aware that diet is the most important aspect of training right next to lifting and sleeping. I don't rely on supps but I know some like creatine are backed by science and have benefits. But if I bought every supp a brand makes it obviously wouldn't do shit. I'm here asking for help in raking through the muck.

  4. #4
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    I'd stick with the basics...whey protein (if whey causes gastrointestinal discomfort you can use whey isolate), as you mentioned creatine, and possibly bcaa. After that, vitamins D and C and perhaps other vitamins and/or minerals that you may be deficient in due to you diet or by evidence in blood work. That's my take on it.

  5. #5
    I forgot to mention I take a multivitamin but I see a good amount of people talking about taking a lot of certain vitamins in particular which seems odd to me.

  6. #6
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    Everyone is going to have a different answer on this one, and my answer keeps changing as I learn more.

    But if your diet is good, with a variety of protein sources, and you are eating a good balanced veggie diet, then I'd say keep it real simple

    psyllium husk fiber

    i take a little more, but everyone has different needs.

  7. #7
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    psyllium husk fiber
    ^^ This also.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    1) Quality Food
    2) Quality Food
    3) Quality Food

    Sups, IMHO, are merely to fill-in gaps where food or time comes up short. Far too many people are relying on sups in place of learning how to eat correctly. My $0.02

    You are correct. DIET can not be overlooked,,,its the key to success.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryband0 View Post
    As of right now I take whey after workouts.
    5g creatine daily - yesFish oil - yesJoint support. (Glucosamine chondratin msm) - it's the chondratin that makes it expensive, yet is less effective than pure MSM, based on personal experience and researchAnd hydroxycut hardcore. Mainly for the appetite suppression and it doubles as my coffee for work. - I personally don't believe that green tea extract makes much of a difference. It's funny how the chemists keep coming out with product (like the original hydroxycut) and then have to pull it off the market due to ingredients that put the consumer at risk.
    What other supplements are useful. Especially to avoid going catabolic when trying to lose fat. There's so many different aminos and stuff and there's arguments for both sides all over the internet with little scientific back up. - what about an old fashioned Multi? and also suggest psyllium husk fiber to improve GI throughput and cleanliness. Also consider 82 mg baby aspirin and maybe even blood pressure pills. My doctor takes blood pressure pills, yet claims he doesn't have high blood pressure without. the rationale is that there is a correlation between longevity and lower BP.
    Please let me know all the supplements you take and why for each.

    in RED

  11. #11
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    ^never mind in my above. I see I already posted a reply, and now being redundant.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    ^^ This also.
    I agree with this too, I put a desert spool full in my evening shake.

    Recently I had a full blood analysis as part of a general check up and to my surprise found out I am vitamin D deficient, so now I'm taking vitamin D once a day. The bottle also says it is good for the joints and for muscle recovery.

    I find it hard to gain weight, so I'm also a fan of taking a teaspoon of Avocado oil a day and two teaspoons of Coconut oil a day when i need some extra calories.

  13. #13
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    I would look at what austinite is writing, and maybe the glucosamin is not worth taking? There are many meta analysis about this, and the effect is not any better than placebo.
    Like this one(i know it is for patient with knee- and hiposteoarthritis, but it is quite clear): can not send you the URL but it was in BMJ 2010 and had almost 4000 patients in it.

  14. #14
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    1) protein - because protein
    2) creatine - for the ATP synthesis
    3) multivitamin - to make up for any missing vitamins in my diet
    4) omega 3 - for joint health

    I haven't tried a lot of other things but most supplements are garbage, IMO creatine is the only real beneficial supplement that you can't get enough of through a balanced diet.

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