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Thread: Xenadrine or clenbuteral?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Xenadrine or clenbuteral?

    Ok guys I have been reading alot but cannot seem to get the information I need to clarify my dilemma. I want to know what exactly clenbeteral does and if I should go through all the trouble to order it or should I just stick with something like xenadrine. I noticed in the polls that xen topped clen. Also I was noticing a stack with clen and ECA how exactly do I come up with ECA and is that a good stack to do in off cycle of AS.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    you should run clen and an ECA together.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Clen..there is nothing better. I picked ECA on that poll ..because if you read the poll it is asking what is the best OTC fat burning supplement. But in my comment I personally wrote something about Clen..

    If you want to get comes down to diet, cardio and clen. Don't cheat strick. Like I said go with the the end it will be worth all the trouble you have to go to get it.

    What clen does is increase your bodies heart rate and core temp. With this it allows you body to be in a higher state of fat will burn fat literally just sitting there...but get on that diet and do that cardio and really put it to work. SOme people like to combine it with ECA. I find that Clen doesn't give me that added energy like clen does for a work out..but just knowing that it is in my body makes me push it that extra little bit.

    enjoy I hope that answered your question.

  4. #4
    Xenadrine is an eca. Works pretty well but ima try clenbuterol mixed wih the eca on the off days.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    2 weeks each alternating. Both will raise your body's core temperature (clen more though). However your body will become accustomed to it and therefore you should alternate them. Clen doses are different with each person so start low like 2-3 2x ed and go from there. Be careful.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Xenedrine is a good product, I had my doubts when I bought it I thought it was just another "Metbolite" product, so I ignored and didn't buy it when all the raves came out. Finally, reading a post on here, I decided to try it and man it works great. It does give you energy and make you alittle hyper but also helps me curve my appetite, along with a good dose of cardio, you will shread fat. It really worked for me, I was well impressed with it and will do it in the future. Hope this helps.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thanks that information helps I will definatley try it out for sure.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    well im a first time user but i have been working out since i was 14 i am now 23 i have really never had trouble with gaining size but im hitting some pretty hard blocks with loosing fat. i do cardio everyday and my diet has improved alot over the past couple of months. i am
    6'3'' 270lb bf approx 17%
    my goal is to get down to 10% fat with loosing very little of my muscle as possible. i have on hand
    8 weeks worth of winni tabs at 25mg a day dose and alot of clen

    soo what im asking is what do you think of this stack? and for my size what are the proper dosages? and how long i should take them??? im not really worried about gaining alot of size have that already. want to be ripped for a bit and then latter maybe gain more

    any good help would be thanked and valued

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