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Thread: Pre workout with destroying appitite

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Pre workout without destroying appitite

    Hey guys,

    I'm getting off my BSN NO XPLODE 2.0

    I feel like shut afterwards and struggle to get food down after using it.

    Can anyone recommend a good pre workout the does not kill your appetite?

    Last edited by athletic.guy; 07-31-2014 at 04:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by athletic.guy View Post
    Hey guys,

    I'm getting off my BSN NO XPLODE 2.0

    I feel like shut afterwards and struggle to get food down after using it.

    Can anyone recommend a good pre workout the does not kill your appetite?

    I just prefer a STRONG 16 oz coffee on my way to the gym. Most pre workouts
    over stimulate me and I have effects similar to you,,,no appetite,,crash hard,,etc...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontaio, Canada
    Revolution Nutrition has Bull Doze, it has no stimulant you have to get a product called Kick to go with it. I have been using it for a week now and I like it, you can add more or less of the Kick depending how you feel. I tried the Assault from MP and didn't like it, tastes like crap, I really liked the Xpand Red Raspberry flavor but the Store I get my stuff from didn't have that flavor so I tried the Bull Doze. Super Pump Max was good as well, I have tried a ton of them, I never had a problem eating afterwards though.
    Last edited by zempey; 07-31-2014 at 07:13 PM. Reason: spelling

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by athletic.guy View Post
    Hey guys,

    I'm getting off my BSN NO XPLODE 2.0

    I feel like shut afterwards and struggle to get food down after using it.

    Can anyone recommend a good pre workout the does not kill your appetite?

    yeah, a banana right before I walk through the door of the gym. this prevents, for me, CNS fade towards the end of my routines.

    I don't believe in pre workout cocktails.

    if you can't pronounce all the ingredients, or understand what all the chemicals do, that, in my opinion is a big red flag.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontaio, Canada
    Most are just blends of amino acids and some stimulants. I like the cell volumizing effect, I get better pumps wile taking them and my energy and power level is better at the end of my workout with them than without them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Finally tried a new product last night, no creatine (been using creatine ed for a year) no 1.3d, and no other harsh crap. Just caff and arginine. Had half a scoop for openers and it kicked the shit out of me. Sure I was up all night tossing and turning (my fault for taking it at 7pm).....

    but for the first time in years I was starving PWO. I was so hungry I had to stop and eat on the way home. And I ate a big bowl of pasta and tuna pre workout.

    I'll never touch no xplode again. Shit is going in the bin !!!

    There is no worse feeling for me that taking all this shit, training my ass off and feeling to sick to eat everyday... So growth was very limited. But I'm holding 240 lbs @15% bf which isnt bad now that I'm coming off.

    I should of crack 250 but I could only eat so much...
    Last edited by athletic.guy; 08-01-2014 at 09:03 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I have read that No-explode does cause gastric discomfort in many people.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Stop using stimulants pre workout. They don't provide anaerobic benefits and neither does any of the crap in pre workouts. Get yourself some good carb sources and start taking more vitamins. The garbage in C4 might not make you feel like crap, although it's probably mental, but it's still garbage none the less.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by athletic.guy
    Update.... Finally tried a new product last night, no creatine (been using creatine ed for a year) no 1.3d, and no other harsh crap. Just caff and arginine. Had half a scoop for openers and it kicked the shit out of me. Sure I was up all night tossing and turning (my fault for taking it at 7pm)..... but for the first time in years I was starving PWO. I was so hungry I had to stop and eat on the way home. And I ate a big bowl of pasta and tuna pre workout. I'll never touch no xplode again. Shit is going in the bin !!! There is no worse feeling for me that taking all this shit, training my ass off and feeling to sick to eat everyday... So growth was very limited. But I'm holding 240 lbs @15% bf which isnt bad now that I'm coming off. I should of crack 250 but I could only eat so much...
    Also arginine is unnecessary. Use Citrulline instead. It gets converted to arginine and isn't as hard on the liver as arginine.

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