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Thread: chromium picolinate and green tea

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    East Coast

    chromium picolinate and green tea

    I read austinites stickie on weight loss and I read about these two supps, so I went out and purchased a bottle of 60 caps 800mcg each chromium caplets and im still debating the green tea, i wanted to know if anyone thinks these supps acruelly live up to their potential or there just going to be a waste of my money, I'm taking them for 2 weeks until i start my test e and anavar 10 week cycle, and im going to continue usage if I get good feedback from you guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    There's plenty of people vouching for it's effectiveness on the thread itself.

    I'm currently using the protocol and I would say it's quite effective for OTC supplements. Certainly not to be compared to clen/albut though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    East Coast
    Thanks !

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by chris_columbia View Post
    I read austinites stickie on weight loss and I read about these two supps, so I went out and purchased a bottle of 60 caps 800mcg each chromium caplets and im still debating the green tea, i wanted to know if anyone thinks these supps acruelly live up to their potential or there just going to be a waste of my money, I'm taking them for 2 weeks until i start my test e and anavar 10 week cycle, and im going to continue usage if I get good feedback from you guys.
    I would say try them for yourself and see how they work.
    Ive heard some who swear by similar protocols.

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