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Thread: when to take ephedrine and caffeine

  1. #1

    when to take ephedrine and caffeine

    Hey guys. Starting cut soon. Just wondering if it's best to take upon waking right before morning cardio, then before the gym, then at a later time during the day? I know the doses are supposed to be 4 to6 hrs apart. To me this seems like a good way to do it as you get the ec before exercise twice.

    Also for the cardio, should I do high intensity or low? I've heard conflicting ideas about cardio and the ec stack. Thanks alot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    When I have ran an EC stack in the past, I would take my first dose around an hour before the gym, I work out I'm the AM. Then my second dose 4 hours or so later. I would recommend starting slow, and taking the cardio slow as well. Ephedrine and caffeine, especially together can tend to make your heart beat very fast. I would monitor your heart rate while doing cardio, just to make sure everything is ok. Once you know how you react to the mix during cardio you can go harder. I absolutely loved ephedra for cardio. Aaaaaaaah ephedrine

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by CanadaStrong88 View Post
    Hey guys. Starting cut soon. Just wondering if it's best to take upon waking right before morning cardio, then before the gym, then at a later time during the day? I know the doses are supposed to be 4 to6 hrs apart. To me this seems like a good way to do it as you get the ec before exercise twice.

    Also for the cardio, should I do high intensity or low? I've heard conflicting ideas about cardio and the ec stack. Thanks alot.
    I would take it AM and again around NOON and no later or it can mess
    with your sleep.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post

    I would take it AM and again around NOON and no later or it can mess
    with your sleep.
    OK cool. Been taking upon waking and then again around 1230. Thanks alot.

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