So I wanted to start a thread about my road of using CBD Oil Full Spectrum in liquid form to help with rotator cuff inflammation and the natural pain relief it can give.
I went with the product: SELECT CBD
I bought it in the liquid form which uses a dropper and you put it under your tongue. I have read ENDLESS research and reports on the benefits on CBD OIL.
Just so people know, this is LEGAL. You can buy this in certain local stores. This is a HEMP based product, this is not from crushing up "bud" "weed", what they do do get FULL SPECTRUM CBD oil, they crush all of the plant, stems roots....etc and extract the oil from it.
There is NO THC in CBD oil.
The benefits of CBD OIL are endless, to name a few, helps INFLAMMATION, decreases Anxiety and Depression, helps insomnia, Numerous Vitamins in it A, C, E, Complex B Vitamins, Niacin, riboflavin, Thiamine, Essential Fats and Protein.
Here is a great article that explains alot:
Day 1: Took 1ML Drop under the tongue which this product delivers 1000mg of CBD Oil. Hold it under your tongue for 60-90 seconds, then swallow the rest. It took about 30 minutes to feel the effect.
Overall you do receive a relaxing feeling once it kicks in. I would take this product at night before bed or just relaxing at home. The relaxed feeling is not long lasting but would help with sleep if you have insomnia. It reduced the pain in my rotator cuff and I felt more mobile in my rotator cuff. I did get VERY sound sleep, even though I was working out with a super hot girl in the morning which I would normally be excited for and keep me up a little.
Overall it was day 1, but THIS PRODUCT WORKS BETTER WITH EXTENDED USE.........the more you use it the body has receptors like it does for Steroids and keeps them there and the benefits grow from there. I will report back as I move along.
I am also seeking 3 days a week treatment with my chiropractor who is stimulating the area and doing corrections.
The muscle I am specifically having issues with is the: Infraspinatus muscle