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Thread: Calcium and Tumeric Root Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle

    Calcium and Tumeric Root Questions

    - Doctor wants me on 1500mg/calcium per day after reviewing my bone density scan and bloodwork. I'm overwhelmed with the number of Calcium options available - Citrate, Carbonate, Calcium with Magnesium, Also a Calcium from Costco is derived from minerals iirc.

    Is is all about the same? I plan to reintroduce geeek yogurt into my diet, won't be any other dairy consumed.

    Secondly, been reading a lot about turmeric root and it's anti inflammatory properties and cell death. Is the root that much better than just buying ground turmeric from the market ? theres quite a large price gap.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    I also read that magnesium is needed to help with calcium absorption but can't find any information on ratio of Ca : Mg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    IMHO, research vitamin K2-mk7. Most people don’t actually need calcium supplementation...they just need calcium to be deposited in the right place, ie, bone/tooth tissue, not soft tissue. K2-mk7 will facilitate that, as will magnesium, as you mentioned.

    As for tumeric, you actually want curcumin but you have to be careful regarding the product you purchase, as curcumin/turmeric is notorious for being poorly absorbed. The most bioavailability form you can get contains
    BCM-95 extract. Life Extensions makes such a product call “Super Bio Curcumin.” I’ve been using it for some time now and I believe it’s helped me with my lipid profile.
    Last edited by OdinsOtherSon; 07-31-2018 at 09:16 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Will check it out. I'm at risk for osteoporosis do you think it might be beneficial to take both calcium and vitamin 2k2?

    The Super Bio Curcumin is $85.00 for 120 caps - is that about what you pay ? Canada usually gets the big shaft on pricing

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Will check it out. I'm at risk for osteoporosis do you think it might be beneficial to take both calcium and vitamin 2k2?

    The Super Bio Curcumin is $85.00 for 120 caps - is that about what you pay ? Canada usually gets the big shaft on pricing
    No I don’t pay that at all! Try Amazon. They sell there too. I just checked and you can get 60 caps for $18 US on Amazon. Not sure how/if that same price will translate in Canada.

    As for the calcium, it may be worth your time to give this book a go...

    Death by Calcium: Proof of the Toxic Effects of Dairy and Calcium Supplements
    Book by Thomas Levy

    I love dairy, milk especially, but after reading this, it made so much sense to me that I cut my dairy consumption way back. Of course, you should always do what your doctor says especially if your at risk for osteoporosis. But let’s face it, doctors can’t know everything either, hence why so many here are much better versed in trt than most primary care doctors.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Bookmarked it thanks . Amazon Canada was where I got the price from ill have to shop around more and dig deeper.

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