I'm doing TRT and was looking for something I could take along side it (legally). I did a bit of research and decided I liked the sound of Abnormal by Blackstone. Looked to be modeled after Deca and what's more tried and true than a test deca stack? And since I'm on trt I shouldn't have to worry about deca dick symptoms... in theory anyway.
I'm about 4 weeks in to a 6 week cycle and have to say I've been pretty impressed. No sides that I've noticed and I feel like I look fuller around my shoulders and upper chest and have definitely noticed an increase in strength over the last 7-10 days. Scale is showing I'm up a few lbs as well in that time frame.
Wondering if anyone else has used abnormal and experienced the same. I can't imagine it's in my head, I did dumbell press the other day and was just throwing around weight with zero issue.
As of right now I have to highly recommend especially if you're doing low dose test and want a little add on.