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Thread: Blackstone Labs Abnormal? Anyone else try it?

  1. #1

    Blackstone Labs Abnormal? Anyone else try it?

    I'm doing TRT and was looking for something I could take along side it (legally). I did a bit of research and decided I liked the sound of Abnormal by Blackstone. Looked to be modeled after Deca and what's more tried and true than a test deca stack? And since I'm on trt I shouldn't have to worry about deca dick symptoms... in theory anyway.

    I'm about 4 weeks in to a 6 week cycle and have to say I've been pretty impressed. No sides that I've noticed and I feel like I look fuller around my shoulders and upper chest and have definitely noticed an increase in strength over the last 7-10 days. Scale is showing I'm up a few lbs as well in that time frame.

    Wondering if anyone else has used abnormal and experienced the same. I can't imagine it's in my head, I did dumbell press the other day and was just throwing around weight with zero issue.

    As of right now I have to highly recommend especially if you're doing low dose test and want a little add on.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    This may take a little hate, but I personally think most of Blackstone Labs products are legit offerings, not some snake oil. Yes, they are prohormones, but some of those are good product. Not aas, mind you, but still legit for what they are. I actually do have some Abnormal on hand, got it at a discount or something, just haven't run it yet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Surely you considered asking your TRT doc for (legal, cheaper) deca and viagra, why the hesitation from doing business through traditional means? Appears Blackstone Labs is a DEA/FDA agent's wet dream, no? Hate to ask, as I believe your intent is sincere, is this a paid ad? Do you think dhea-derivs are forward thinking, safe & efficacious products that'll soon be available from compounding pharmacies who cater to (degenerate bodybuilder) TRT patients as cross-sells (similarly to peptide hormones)? Appreciate the insights brother, I want to try, lol!!
    Last edited by 956Vette; 09-19-2022 at 09:26 PM.

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