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Thread: 1 Ad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Question 1 Ad

    thinking about trying 1 ad. can anybody tell me about dossage and is this stuff worth a shit?

  2. #2
    You are looking at 600-900 mg, 3 doses of 200-300 mg evenly spread out, preferably after meals due to its rather upsetting effect on the GI tract. So for convenience's sake lets say breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    1AD (1-androstene-3beta, 17beta-diol)

    Target Hormone: 1-testosterone
    Target conversion: (supposedly) very high, because it has a double bond at the 1st carbon and it is a diol version.
    Conversion enzyme: 3-ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3HSD)
    DHT conversion: some converting back to DHT through unknown pathway
    Estrogenic effects: None whatsoever

    This is just a little bonus addition. I don't have enough data on this yet to make an accurate assumption, so most of what I'm saying here is based on product info, information obtained from Patrick Arnold, who made the stuff, and independent research. As for concrete information, I'm looking to test the product thoroughly near the end of summer and will keep meticulous records of my progress, including gains in size and strength, my diet at the time and any possible side effects I may encounter. If I can get the stuff here (I hope to work closely with CEO, Ryan Deluca), count on that by October or November at the latest. Click here for more info on this study...

    1AD is an oral only compound that converts to a different target hormone altogether, namely 1-testosterone. Early data¹ suggests that 1-testosterone is 700% more anabolic than testosterone. How that translates in real world terms is yet to be determined. From the testimonials (they are limited) I've read the gains are slightly better than those of Nor-diol, so that would be a significant improvement, though not quite as high as the percentage might suggest. There was an initial dione version, but I believe that has been pulled and all 1AD currently available is diol. Again that means no estrogenic conversion prior, but none post-conversion either because 1-test doesn't aromatize. It's a derivative of the androgenic compound DHT, meaning that it has already undergone 5-alpha-reductase and cannot under any circumstances form estrogen.

    The androgenicity is still very much an issue. It can convert to DHT via a different pathway (I should say convert back) but it's not known to what extent or what effects it has. So far no one has reported any serious side effects in this nature, but neither has there been any rigorous large-scale testing. The jury is still out on what this means to people who are at risk for things like prostate enlargement and hair loss. Since it is extremely androgenic in other ways as well, this is one aspect that will need further digging to get to the bottom of. I fear this may be the weakness of 1AD.

    Oral activity is a great plus. To date orals are the only form that allow serious stacking and proper use of prohormones (more on that later). On the downside a lot of it doesn't survive the liver which makes us toss away a large amount of money spent on prohormones, because the yield is rather low. 1AD may have solved that problem. In steroids people make things 17-alkalated to survive the liver, but in return this increases liver toxicity severely. But a double bond in the one position (hence the name 1-testosterone) ensures a greater amount surviving without the risk of liver toxicity. Chemically you can liken it to the steroid primobolan, which is the same structurally except for an extra methyl-group but also has the double bond in the one position. It functions much in the same way. Making this perhaps the most potent oral prohormone to date. I would estimate oral activity to be in the neighborhood of 30%. That means even relatively small doses can exert decent effects, which will no doubt make up for its preposterous price.

    In effects 1-test has been likened more often to Halotestin and trenbolone than Primobolan, qualitatively speaking. I did some research on this and this would mean that most of the gains are lean mass (not huge mass increases, then losing most) making it great to use even when cutting (though obviously the gains will be a lot smaller) and that the amount of water and fat weight is significantly reduced because there is no estrogen effect whatsoever. So blowing up like a balloon is out of the question, which isn't so visually satisfying, but it gets you harder and the gains are for real. That has to count for something. Halotestin is 17-alkalated by the way, so if you go researching don't be frightened by the enormous liver toxicity of Halostestin as I was, since 1AD is not 17-alkalated.

    Since info on 1-testosterone is fairly scarce and hard to find, I did some more research on trenbolone in the specific steroid milieu (several websites, a few experienced users and a special shout-out to La Fetarde of our very own steroid boards for the info) and found that the common belief is that it is best stacked with a non-androgen for best results. Meaning that if you were thinking of stacking this, moderate doses (standard 300 to 600 mg) would be best used with Nor-diol, but if you were thinking of doing a serious stack (expensive, 900-1200 mg), you may want to consider 19Nor instead so there is no competition for enzymes.

    There has been some talk of using 1AD as a pre-contest hardener as even users who were dieting and experienced very little gains boasted some impressive physiques nonetheless.

    The major downsides to 1AD: physiologically the only side-effect reported so far is a loss of libido, to which Patrick Arnold himself replied that it may best be stacked with 4-diol if this worries you (or you have an insatiable girlfriend like me). And some of the testimonials said something about a distended belly, though it went away. Other than that, the only major setback is once again the cost. This stuff is even more expensive than Nor-diol (here at the prices for both products from Ergopharm per 10.000 mg are $44.36 bucks for Nor-diol and $74.96 for 1AD), which will no doubt scare a lot of people off. And since the patent is owned by LPJ, it's unlikely that competition will lower the price as with creatine. So there probably will not be any reduction in price in the near future.

    ¹ Anabolic Steroids" by HL Kruskemper, Academic Press, 1968, p.109.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Well the product looks great, I tried it, but didn't get anything from it. But I honestly didn't loose my gains either. However I am not a big Andro fan, after I found out alot about them. 1 AD I would consider doing again, but the price is rather pricey. It is (according to the label), the best Andro out there, but then again, is there such a thing as "good" andro? I say stick with high proteien diet and if you are looking to gain strength, get some creatine and Glutamine, that will pack on some size and strength for ya.

  4. #4
    Don't tell me, you ran it at 300 mg a day didn't you ? You are supposed to run it at 600-900 mg a day for good results. The stuff may be more orally available than other PH, but that's still only 10-14% delivery.

    Agree with you on the price. Too expensive. My cycle gave me killer gains, but it cost me 350 bucks for 7 weeks. So not worth it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Hell Big, with those kinds of doses your liver will turn to jello. Man.. Hell if I have to take that much I might as well do Dbol, when I know the results will show...

  6. #6
    That's a hell of a step. D-bol has more delivery, but that's because its 17 alpha-alkylated. that's what makes it so liver-toxic. The process attaches a methyl or ethyl group, methyl for d-bol, to the 17th carbon position so it isn't broken down by the liver. This kills liver enzymes and in turn causes liver problems. 1AD has no such methyl group and is thus not liver toxic. Gram for gram beer is more toxic to the liver than prohormones are. My liver values check out better than most in my age group and I've done PH cycles at 2.5 grams. Its a myth that PH are bad for the liver.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    hmm still sounds like an ad to me.. id like to hear some opinoins or testimonies by a mod/vet/older member.. no offense bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    1 AD is a prohormone which means that it "supposidly" makes the body produce more testosterone.
    Are you comparing 1 AD to gear? If so there is no comparison, if you are comparing it to dbol yes, you are correct about the liver thing.
    If you are speaking of 1 AD as getting results the same as gear, then why doesn't eveyone use it and they stop making gear?
    I don't have much with prohormones, I figure if I am going to spend that kind of money, why not go for the sure shot and by some test and be done with it. At least I won't have to worry if it is working, or swallowing 20 pills a day?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Gotta give it to ya Big Cat you know your stuff. What would you say is the best to stack with trenebol-x? I have not noticed much in strength to date but it seems there is a difference in vascularity though. I hate talking about ph's all the time cause it gives people the wrong idea that I expect a miracle, I don't but I think ph's are great.

  10. #10
    Nothing legal stacks as well with T-X as more T-X. Adding Nor-diol will increase water retention at no extra use, only extra cost. 5AA or 3-alpha would merely do what 1-test is already doing, only not as good. So what can you add ? 4AD, 1,4-andro or 1-test. And all of them are already in T-X. If you were to stack it with steroids, some Winny would work well. But if you really want to stack 1-test with other, illegal, steroids, I suggest you hold out for Molecular Nutritions 1T ethergel caps. It uses a similar delivery to the steroid Andriol and should be the cream of the crop in 1-tests.

    As far as results, I must say the 1-test didn't give me the results in size I had hoped for either, but with 9 pounds retained I'm definitely pleased with the results and I did get noticably harder on it, which is no doubt what is causing your increased vascularity as well.

    How is the appetite ? That's the main reason for adding 1,4-andro, apart from the fact that its more effective and leaner than 4AD.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Sicilian30
    1 AD is a prohormone which means that it "supposidly" makes the body produce more testosterone.
    1AD does not increase testosterone, it converts to a hormone dubbed 1-testosterone, but perhaps better described as dihydroboldenone, the 5-alpha reduced version of the steroid boldenone. Structurally its referred to as 17-hydroxy-5-alpha-androst-1-en-3-one. (1AD is 5-alpha-androst-1-en-3beta,17beta-diol). Surprisingly enough, despite being 7 times more myotrophic than natural testosterone, 1-testosterone was never pursued pharmaceutically and is now for sale as a legal supplement. Most companies that sell it are highly dubious, but quality versions can be opbtained from avantlabs, Higher Power, Syntrax and pretty soon Molecular Nutrition.

    If you are speaking of 1 AD as getting results the same as gear, then why doesn't eveyone use it and they stop making gear?

    Actually if it was legal to attach a methyl group to 1-test, it would be just as strong as D-bol, but all lean and much easier to maintain. unfortunately this is not legal. The oral availability is the main card for steroids.

    I don't have much with prohormones, I figure if I am going to spend that kind of money, why not go for the sure shot and by some test and be done with it. At least I won't have to worry if it is working, or swallowing 20 pills a day?
    True enough. Prohormones that will give decent results this day and age will run you as much if not more than steroids that can give you better results. If you can obtain legit steroids they are a better choice.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I just purchased 1- test today in the gel
    form topical. I had a friend who tryed it and got
    great gains within two weeks and no sides
    its $100 bucks for 8oz bottle at
    and they have alot more info on it. It will be here in three
    days and I will keep everyone updated on its affects

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Very nice post Cat very nice. As I said once before, I learn something on this board every day. Good info bro.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Lariat1
    I just purchased 1- test today in the gel
    form topical. I had a friend who tryed it and got
    great gains within two weeks and no sides
    its $100 bucks for 8oz bottle at
    and they have alot more info on it. It will be here in three
    days and I will keep everyone updated on its affects
    I know, I tested the beta for them. Retained 9 pounds and came out much leaner. Topical is the best way to go at this point, even though when you sweat 1-test is quite irritative of the skin. 1-test is best considered as legal primo. Its mostly identical to methenolone, safe for the 1-methyl group. That adress by the way is and the products are ONE and ONE+.

    Molecular Nutrition is coming out with a better form shortly though. It will have an ether attached at the 17-alpha position to make it superlipophillic, and then submerged in a sesame oil-filled gelcap as a carrier, simalar to the delivery of the steroid andriol. That should notably improve over existing orals and even transdermals. Currently orals deliver 14-19% and the transdermals 20-25%. This delivery has the potential to give us 80%. Making it a true form of legal Primobolan.

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