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Thread: Help Needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Help Needed

    What's up guys. I've had some terrible problems in the gym lately, i seem to have hit that "glass roof".
    I've got a good supply of DHEA, TRIB, ANDRO POPPERS, CREATINE AND PROTEIN POWDERS. Could someone suggest a good way to stack these? I've never used the DHEA, a friend told me to take a bottle of his and a bottle of trib and stack that....but never told me how to stack it!? any info is appreciated,i've researched but come up blank!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Forget the DHEA, that is crap. Take the Andro Poppers as directed on the bottle, use the creatine after your workouts, take the protein powder any time of day you do not have time to eat, and use the tribulus after you are out of poppers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    thanks breastman, it's appreciated

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I had to take more when I took andro poppers dipending on what body part I was working I would take double

  5. #5


    [QUOTE=BREASTMAN]Forget the DHEA, that is crap. Take the Andro Poppers as directed on the bottle, use the creatine after your workouts, take the protein powder any time of day you do not have time to eat, and use the tribulus after you are out of poppers/////// don't give bad advice to a starter i have been body building for 10 yrs, do u even know what andro does to your body,i am also a doctor u need to study more about your liver and kidneys , i don't mean to be a smart ass andro is terrible for u, there are better steriods than andro reply

    If you are a doctor please submit your credentials to the board admin before making that claim. We verify anyone that claims to have an MD and identify them accordingly. As to your previous post I deleted it. It is against the board rules. Please do not do this again.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by BREASTMAN
    Forget the DHEA, that is crap. Take the Andro Poppers as directed on the bottle, use the creatine after your workouts, take the protein powder any time of day you do not have time to eat, and use the tribulus after you are out of poppers/////// don't give bad advice to a starter i have been body building for 10 yrs, do u even know what andro does to your body,i am also a doctor u need to study more about your liver and kidneys , i don't mean to be a smart ass andro is terrible for u, there are better steriods than andro reply
    Aren't you the same MORON that just recommended he take sustenon, d-bol, and deca???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Don31 who the fuck are you are you a fucking scammer, dont come on this board and tell motherfuckers you can get anything they need. If i was i mod i would ban your ass.

    Since you are a "doctor" why don't you enlighten this board as to the serious sides that could result from Andro. I would also like to add that Dhea can also be bad for our health, and so can vitamins are you getting the pic?
    Last edited by BigMike J; 10-02-2003 at 10:35 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    First off, I wouldn't say to only take the protein powder if you don't have time to eat. I would suggest taking the protein between half an hour and an hour after every workout, and again about two hours after that, that way you know your body is getting the protein it needs to rebuild. If you work out for an hour or longer, I would even suggest drinking some just before you workout, so your body has protein in your system while you're working out. But also eat penty of high protein foods particularly on the days that you're working out. Your body can only metabolise a max of 50grams of protein at a time, so that's why its best to space out the consumption time. Take the creatine right after you workout and once per day when you're not working out.

    Secondly, it's very foolish to be telling someone that you can supply them with steroids, and I would hope that a true medical doctor would know better than that, because medical doctors are more liable due to that little thing called the Hypocratic Oath that we all take. I went to NYU Medical school and from the first year you are told about engaging in, or even suggesting a treatment that may potentially be more harmfull than the possible benefits. The quickest way to lose a license is to do what you just did here. You don't know anything about this guys medical history, his age or anything. I really hope that you are just a scammer with no access to any real steroids and I hope that you are just a loon that likes to pass himself off as a doctor, because you have just proven that you can be a very dangerous person. I also agree that you should be banned from this site.

    Thirdly, I forgot who posted it, but yes, you are right, anything can be bad for you. Oxygen can be bad for you in excessive amounts. Water can be bad for you in excessive amounts. And likewise, some things need to be taken in higher dosages in order to see any results.

    Good luck with it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by BigMike J
    Don31 who the fuck are you are you a fucking scammer, dont come on this board and tell motherfuckers you can get anything they need. If i was i mod i would ban your ass.

    Since you are a "doctor" why don't you enlighten this board as to the serious sides that could result from Andro. I would also like to add that Dhea can also be bad for our health, and so can vitamins are you getting the pic?
    What an ass this guy must be, huh?

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