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Thread: Methyl 1-Test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Methyl 1-Test

    Has anyone used this Methyl 1-Test yet? I just ordered some to see what it is all about. I have heard some good things and some bad. I just wanted to hear from you guys and see what you all thought of it or if you have used it yet. If you have please let me know what you thought of it and what are your opinions about it. thanks

  2. #2
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    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Thewarrior
    Has anyone used this Methyl 1-Test yet? I just ordered some to see what it is all about. I have heard some good things and some bad. I just wanted to hear from you guys and see what you all thought of it or if you have used it yet. If you have please let me know what you thought of it and what are your opinions about it. thanks
    Haven't used it yet, but so far, from feedback, it sounds like the "real deal!" One guy gained like 9 lbs in one week off of it! Most call it Trenbolone in a pill! I'm worried about its liver toxicity though. Guess I'll wait for more feedback.

    How many mg per day are you planning on?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bump to this...
    Whos got it? What company makes it?
    Whats the doses looking like?


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by FmRommel
    Bump to this...
    Whos got it? What company makes it?
    Whats the doses looking like?


    Standard dose is about 20 mg per day for short cycles.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Thanks Bro


    Bump for expieriences

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    the GYM
    im on it, shit is very good. 1 week now and im having big strength gains, 5 lb gain of size, look leaner and have experienced no sides so far. The only sides ive experienced are from the 4-aderm im stacking it with. No 1-test lethargy, still horny as ever, no problems sleeping/eating. Lookin good so far Ive done 1-test/4-ad stacks (transdermal) and ive done 1-AD/4-ADerm stacks as well and so far this is the most successful. All of those were very good as well, but not like this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    This sounds great....can the methyl 1-Test be converted into estrogen? How much are you using?



  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    I have started taking it at 20 mgs a day and I am going to see how this is. I have used other stronger gear and I wanted to see how this stuff is compared to that. Hopefully it will be just as good and be legal. If anyone else knows anything about this stuff let us know for we are all wondering about it. If this stuff works as good as everyone is saying it should be great and pretty cheap compared to the other "real" stuff.

  10. #10
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    Bump for Updates....

  11. #11
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    The methyl 1-t can't be converted to estrogen because the 4,5 double bond is removed and a 1,2 is added. Understand??????

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Never heard of it

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by bigswole30
    The methyl 1-t can't be converted to estrogen because the 4,5 double bond is removed and a 1,2 is added. Understand??????

    to note if anyone wants it for research purposes just hit my e-mail at [email protected]

  14. #14
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    Mar 2003
    I have been on it for approximately 6 days and have not seen much in size difference except that I have seem to slimed down. I have alot more energy now though. I also feel pretty good, not as great as I do with the real deal but none the less I still feel a difference. I have not been able to hit the gym as hard as I would like due to workload right now. I will keep you all posted.

  15. #15
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    Mobile, AL
    Quote Originally Posted by FmRommel
    This sounds great....can the methyl 1-Test be converted into estrogen? How much are you using?


    i started running it midcycle but noticed a difference right away... its strong stuff for real... no aromatization

    BDC over at anabolicminds did a little writeup on it and the methylated version basically keeps the high anabolic properties of 1-test but drop the androgenic properties down by 80% (200% more androgenic than test prop for regular 1-test and only 120% more androgenic as methyl-1T)

    i am pretty sure it wont last long tho.... its some damn good stuff; stock up while you can...

    several guys running short 2on 2off cycles with no ancillaries (not even needed) and they pack the pounds on FAST... 5-8lbs lean every other two weeks adds up fast

    the ones that dont report weight gain report drastic fat loss (so they are gaining muscle just the fat is going too pretty much)

  16. #16
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    Nov 2002

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Bump for updates...i just talked to a guy who said this is the most pwerful shit hes ever taken and rivals some orals....who knows if its that good but sounds decent at the very least...


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bean666
    i started running it midcycle but noticed a difference right away... its strong stuff for real... no aromatization

    BDC over at anabolicminds did a little writeup on it and the methylated version basically keeps the high anabolic properties of 1-test but drop the androgenic properties down by 80% (200% more androgenic than test prop for regular 1-test and only 120% more androgenic as methyl-1T)

    i am pretty sure it wont last long tho.... its some damn good stuff; stock up while you can...

    several guys running short 2on 2off cycles with no ancillaries (not even needed) and they pack the pounds on FAST... 5-8lbs lean every other two weeks adds up fast

    the ones that dont report weight gain report drastic fat loss (so they are gaining muscle just the fat is going too pretty much)
    I might be interested in the methylated version... I dont think 1-test had a problem passing the liver, it was mostly passing the stomack and intestines... I done plenty of 1-test, some 10 t-bombs a day for 2 months and I'd say its VERY mild compared to real testosterone... lets compare on me:
    5 weeks 1-test in form of t-bomb = 4 lbs gained
    5 weeks of real testosterone injected = 25lbs gained

    1-test did not grow hair on my chest, real testosterone has. I am on very strong anti-estrogens, I probably have less estrogen now with real testosterone then I did while running 10 each t-bombs a day.

    Sex drive: Couldnt get hard without lots of sucking and playing from wife with t-bomb and she had to act fast or else I'd get soft real fast again... with real testosterone... damn fat ugly chicks look good, cows look good, trees look good, lawn mowers, cars, trucks, you name it everything makes me hard as a rock!!!

    Get this... I'd dare say I had more side effects such as headaches, dizzyness, blurred vision, etc with 1-test then I am getting with real testosterone.

    You decide for yourself... I know I tried both and I am pretty such which is WAAAAY better for me!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    While I have used it for about 2 weeks or so and have strength gains have not seen to much in size wise, to me. Some ppl have asked if I were on the real deal. My sex drive is done, like Ntpadude said my wife had better hurry when I am ready I am ready and not for long.

    I will use it again though, felt good on it.

    I just want to know if anyone knows how it will work with piss tests? How will it show up? I have a piss test in a few days and was just wondering.

  20. #20
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Thewarrior
    While I have used it for about 2 weeks or so and have strength gains have not seen to much in size wise, to me. Some ppl have asked if I were on the real deal. My sex drive is done, like Ntpadude said my wife had better hurry when I am ready I am ready and not for long.

    I will use it again though, felt good on it.

    I just want to know if anyone knows how it will work with piss tests? How will it show up? I have a piss test in a few days and was just wondering.
    Well for job tests, lets say it did show up, its a legal product, no grounds for no hire or firing. I believe Major League baseball allows 1-test because their stance is, if its legal, its acceptable, NFL and hockey league banned 1-test and test for it. ALso Military has banned it, other then those I dont think there is an issue, also your body gets rid of both excess real testosterone or 1-test so fast, 3 days later the pill version of 1-test like t-bomb is virtually indetectable... injected steroids in oil form however can have long detection times, deca for example can be detected like 1.5 years later but these are blood tests and not piss tests.

  21. #21
    I tried something alittle diffrent, I used mag 10 for 2 weeks and was taking Methyl 1 test 30 Mg a day for
    6 weeks, also used a liver cleanse. In 3 weeks a gained 24 pounds, went from 194 to 218lb and stayed there. been off it for 3 weeks and still way 210lbs. Not bad , the only thing was i had a cold when i started and just ended up making it worse and felled like sh*t in the morning when i took the first pill, I don't no if my body was fighting with the methyl or the cold had something to do with it.

  22. #22
    Rumor has it that the banned the methyl 1 test and all the stuff on the internet for sale is not as strong as the orig thing. The bottles and pills look totally diffrent then mine did.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Mobile, AL
    there is no banned methyl 1-test; it is the real thing

    ntpa-dude, t-bomb is a joke man; unless its BDC nutrition, LGP stuff, ONE deriviatives, the new S1, etc... basically a transdermal 1-test of high quality; its a joke as far as 1-test is concerned...
    there has no been effective oral 1-test yet until the release of this stuff...
    i just finished a quick 2 weeker at 20mg/day and gained 8 solid pounds no fat

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Where do you get methyl 1 test at ? and should/can you stack it with anti-estrogens, so you can make wood ?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by RedV
    Where do you get methyl 1 test at ? and should/can you stack it with anti-estrogens, so you can make wood ?


    Anyway, you can buy it online and in a few supp stores you dont need to take it with an anti-E but it would make you look harder....and prob help with wood.


  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Wood...That's a good one.... Bump for someone gone on a cycle...

  27. #27
    I was jsut wondering if it would be to my advantage to take methyl 1-test with an ephedrine free hydroxy ripped to slim down real fast

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    It coulud possibly work...You may wanna try it with clen IF (underline 3 times) you are old enough. Xenadrine works well too (they also have ephedrine free Xenadrine) and yeah, hydroxycut make work well too. To drop excess water weight during cutting, try Taraxatone. It's cheap, and guaranteed to work, so i figure it's worth a try. Good luck bro,


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Used the VPX brand at 20 mg for 2 weeks...

    -gained 4 lbs solid
    -stength up
    -vascularity increase
    -harder physique
    -only side was lethargy

    Gains were with no increase in calories or changes of any kind to program.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    take the m1-t with any protein shake? for the VPX brand that is...

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by tatty
    take the m1-t with any protein shake? for the VPX brand that is...
    Only if the "burn" bothers you. I find it pretty tolerable and take it without a shake.

  32. #32
    Does methyl 1-test aromatize? And if it does would eropharm 6-oxo be good enough to combat the estrogen??

  33. #33
    Is there a major difference to using the pill form compared to vpx's form?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by jjc4986
    Is there a major difference to using the pill form compared to vpx's form?
    No, M 1-T does not aromatize but it can shut down test levels pretty hard so a anti-E/test booster like VPX Aromadex or 6-OXO is still necessary post cycle. No, there isn't any major difference between the caps and the liquid, although some feel that overall the liquid is better b/c it is contained in a "superior delivery system." Not enough feedback yet to determine this though.

  35. #35
    thanks, i appreciate the help

  36. #36
    I have been taking M-1-T for 2 weeks now. I am going to do a three week cycle and a three week cycle of 6oxo after. I gained 9 pounds but I couldn't workout the second week because I was sick taking AntiBiotics. I will let yall know how much i keep. Not really sure how much is muscle.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by jjc4986
    thanks, i appreciate the help
    U R welcome!

  38. #38
    What company are ligit for this M-1-T? I went ahead and order the M-1-T VPX 240cc. I did the research and is the only one I am familiar with...

    Product will arrive 1/9/04 (hopefully).
    Right now 5'8" 168 Lbs...I'll keep yall posted.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Umm....... I know I'm only 16 and too young to take stuff like 1-test but.... What if I did? Are the side effects that bad for someone my age that I should deffinatley not take it or, are they not that bad?

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    I was curious as well....Almost went on a 1-AD/4-AD cycle for 6 weeks myself..wouldn't have done anything though.

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