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  1. #1
    Stea7jjdyEddie's Avatar
    Stea7jjdyEddie is offline Associate Member
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    Question Ephedra can't get anymore in NY??

    Just wanted to ask everyone a quick question recently Ephedra has been banned in NY State.... that being a bad thing!!! I have recently taken stacker

    2, stacker 3, and other fat loss products without Ephedra and none have really suppressed my appetite like Xenadrine w/ Ephedra. Just wondering has anyone

    else experienced this problem? Also I know that I can purchase it over the internet and major companies such as Xenadrine don't produce it anymore.

    Does anyone suggest a company that produces a product similiar to Xenadrine? If there is anyone out there that can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

    Have a good one all!!!!!!

  2. #2
    barbarian's Avatar
    barbarian is offline Banned
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    if your close enof to the border just drive over and get some at any gym, if not check the net for a company witha warehouse with some left, if not then go to anotehr brand, basicy as long as it has ephendra cafine actly l carnatine ect ect it will do almsot as good as the xenadrin, my gym had some dyma burn with ephedra cafine yohimbie in it in stock but is no longer made so i baught it up as well as the few rfa bottles they had, keep looking youl find somthing worht takeing.

  3. #3
    Commander_Bash's Avatar
    Commander_Bash is offline Junior Member
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    I live in NY too......... it sucks that they banned it here....i just recently bought that " Maxadrine " it sucks i can't believe i wasted my money on it.......Does anyone know a good fatburner that i can buy off Allsportsnutrition that is similar to xenadrine...... im so pissed i spent my money on that product.....I really need a product that wakes me up in the morning and gives me energy before my workouts like xenadrine... any help?

  4. #4
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    acually the appetite suppresent in xanadren isnt ephedra. You can probobly find another fat burner with the same suppresent. Have you ever heard of release?

  5. #5
    Stea7jjdyEddie's Avatar
    Stea7jjdyEddie is offline Associate Member
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    nevaenuf.....I have never heard of release? What is that a product or a supplement? I always thought that ephedra was what suppressed my appetite. If it is xanadren than I need to get my hands on some of that!!! But if you can lead us in the right direction to getting that Release I would give that a try to see how it works!!

  6. #6
    cb25's Avatar
    cb25 is offline Banned
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    I'm sure there are more ingredients that help supress appetite, but as I've always understood, caffeine and ephedra are decent appetite surpressors in themselves. So, they definitely play a part in it.

    Sorry to hear about the NY ban...i'm sure it'll just be a matter of time before it's a nation-wide thing. Kind of pisses me off...and I don't even use ephedra that often. But I like the option...

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