When I was 16 I was 5'7'' and weighted 250lbs of pure fat. I started taking xenadrine and weight lifting occasionally and my weight rapidly decreased. After four months of taking Xendarine and lifting a couple times a week, I was down to 200lbs. I then started running a mile around 3 times a week. I progressed to running 4miles 5 nights a week, and over 5 months my weight rapidly dropped down to 153lbs. I continued taking xenadrine, dieting and exercising over the last year and three months and my weight has stayed between 153 and 158lbs.
I am now almost 19 and still taking xenadrine. I worked out a lot over the summer but started slacking this fall and started having uncontrollable eating binges. This lead to noticeable amount of weight gain and I now weight 164lbs. I try eating healthy but end up only being able to diet for half of the day and end up eating huge amounts of carbs and junk food. The xenadrine no longer does anything for me but if I don't take it I get a terrible headache, a huge appetite, and feel very tired and not wanting to do anything. I tried to get off of xenadrine many times but it feels impossible to live without it. I am terrafied that if I stop taking xenadrine I will not be able to stop eating and go back to weighting 250lbs.
I need some advice on how to do what's best for my body. I really want to live a normal healthy life style. Please tell me what I should do.
I left out a few important things:
My dieting sometimes could be very extreme like only eating a half a bowl of cereal a day and running 5 miles in the same day.
Sometimes I would regurgitate after eating a normal meal.
All since starting the xenadrine I have became obsessive compulsive, and paranoid.
Now the only affects of the xenadrine I feel is a little energy rush and my appetite slightly being suppressed. The affects dont last as long as they use to, most of the time I dont notice them. I still get panic attacks, obsessive compulsive and paranoid.
Thank you for listening