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Thread: Yohimbe

  1. #1


    hey guys
    i need some info on this stuff. i searched around the web and all i found was that it helps reverse erectile dysfunction. but what about its ability to burn fat (topical gel)?? does it really work or what?? anyone ever try it? also, i read somewhere that it was banned by the fda a while ago, is that true? if so, then is it legal? thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Yohimburn is a topical gel which uses advanced topical delivery and alpha receptor blocking technology to increase fat burning at the site where it is applied.

    You may have noticed that some areas of the body store a disproportionate amount of fat. This is the kind of fat that just won't go away no matter how hard you diet or exercise. These "Stubborn Fat Pockets" or SFP's are a result of fatty tissue that has a high number of Alpha 2 adrenoceptors. These Alpha 2 adrenoceptors (A2) are like the stop buttons for fat burning. When they are activated no fat is utilized at the site. Even worse, when they are activated even more fat is stored in the same area. What all this means that in the war against "Stubborn Fat Pockets" the A2 is one of the main enemies.

    Yohimburn's Alpha Receptor blocking technology that will allow you to start to win the war against the SFP's. Yohimburn blocks the A2 which allows for normal fat burning to occur in these otherwise "Stubborn Fat Pockets". Yohimburn allows you to lose the fat that would otherwise be very difficult, bordering on impossible, to burn. In addition, Yohimburn also increases the rate at which Fat in these SFP's is burned. It does this by "tricking" your body into producing more of the fat burning chemical Nor Epinephrine in the area that Yohimburn is applied to. This means that it will greatly accelerate the fat loss at the site that it is applied to.

    Yohimburn is most effective in areas that have a high number and density of A2. ESTROGEN is what determines the number and density of these A2 in fatty tissue. This is part of the reason that women have more and larger SFP's. These areas include but are not limited to the thighs, lower back, triceps (back of the arm), hips and butt. Men also produce estrogen and are exposed to estrogenic chemicals. The primary areas for men's SFP's are lower back, lower abs, love handles and chest. Yohimburn is an effective tool for men and women in the fight to lose fat from these areas.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    dude..that was informative..thanks..are you one of the

  4. #4
    thanks bexsome. are there any side effects or risks and dangers with this product? and did you ever hear or read about the fda banning it? just a couple more questions for you. thanks again bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Yohimbine is an alkaloid prescription drug extracted from yohimbe bark which functions as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, thereby increasing serum levels of norepinephrine. Proponents claim that yohimbine Increases serum testosterone levels, muscle growth and strength, and that it decreases body fat. It is also promoted as an aphrodisiac.

    There is no proof that yohimbine is an anabolic and its value as an aphrodisiac is inconclusive. The FDA has declared yohimbine unsafe and ineffective for over the counter sale.

    Tyramine containing foods (red wine, liver, cheese) and nasal decongestants or diet aids containing phenylpropaanolamine should be rigorously avoided when yohimbine is used to prevent a hypertensive crisis. People who have hypotension, diabetes, or heart, liver, or kidney disease should not take yohimbine. An overdose can cause serious problems - weakness and nervous stimulation, followed by paralysis, fatigue, stomach disorders, and ultimately death.

    Ellen Coleman. Herbs for Health
    Foster S, Tyler VE. Tyler's Honest Herbal. Haworth Herbal Press, 1999.
    Food and Drug Administration. Unsubstantiated Claims and Documented Health Hazards in the Dietary Supplement Marketplace. Rockville, MD. 1993.
    American Botanical Council. The Complete German Commission E Monographs.
    Search the HCRC and NCAHF Web Sites

  6. #6
    thanks again bex. very thorough. if it acts as a maoi, then it probably has many negative interactions with other meds, right? if i am taking zoloft, i don't think i can take yohimbe, right? thanks bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    To be honest if iam right in saying zoloft is a anti depressant then i would not advice it.....But that is only my opinion....

  8. #8
    yes bex, you are right. it is an anti-depressant. thanks again for your help and advice.

  9. #9
    Yohimbe and/or yohimbine ORALLY should probably not be taken with SSRI's.. though yohimbine is safer.

    while I cannot reccomend that Yohimburn be taken with SSRI's. except under the guidance of your physician (standard disclaimer) I will point out that many user are on Paxil, zoloft, celexa and have experienced no problems..

  10. #10
    thanks for your advice and info. btw, i recently read in a medical dictionary that yohimbine was poisonous. and since i just recently began researching the stuff, i don't know a tremendous amount of info about it. so is this fact accurate? thanks again.
    ps--btw, i was thinking about using the topical yohimbine, not the oral form.

  11. #11
    Yohimbine is a poison, so is vitamin C, so is aspirin, so is quercetin (bio-flavanoid)... that classification means NOTHING... and how they come about it is probably a mystery to the FDA.

    Topical Yohimbine(preference for yohimburn as it is proven effective and uses NON-toxic delivery technology.. something that no other can claim..) will have less CNS effects( so much less worry about MAO inhibition and interaction with SSRI's).

  12. #12
    thanks for clearing that up mac. btw, i also take adderall. now would this interact with topical yohimbine? i'm sorry. i forgot to mention that before. btw, do you have any brands of topical yohimbine to recommend to me? i found one myself but i don't know how legit or good it is. and it is also quite expensive. i think around $80 for 8 ounces which "contains 6 grams of yohimbine hcl enough for 36-60 applications." i am not sure if this is the average going rate for this product but if it is, it's pretty damn exspensive! btw, i don't know if i am allowed to give a name of a company and its product on this board. if i can, i'll tell you. but for now, i don't want to break any rules. i was also wondering how fast this stuff actually works? how many applications must one use to see results? oh and one more thing. is this stuff legal or not? thanks again bro.

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Think this works better than clen?

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