what kind of protein powder do you guys use? i already have a meal replacement, but i need a new protien powder. i'm using nitro-tech right now, but it tastes disgusting. i have to switch. any suggestions?
what kind of protein powder do you guys use? i already have a meal replacement, but i need a new protien powder. i'm using nitro-tech right now, but it tastes disgusting. i have to switch. any suggestions?
I personally always keep like 3 different kinds on hand.
One for immediately post workout - fast whey
For this one I usually use AST's VPT (hydrolysed whey isolate)
One cheap whey blend
Currently have Optimum's Pro Complex, but any good cheap whey or whey/egg blend is fine
And one that has a slow digesting blend
Almost always MetRx Protein plus (milk isol, casein, egg, whey conc, glutamine)
use this one as my prebed shake.
Really depends on your budget and needs.
You cant go wrong with Optimum's 100% Whey (22g prot, 3g carbs, 1.5 g fat) for the money and serving info.
You may also want to check out Protein Factory. Design your own blends, etc. and you usually come out cheaper. Im going to try them out soon.
Definitely ditch the NitroTech. WAY overpriced for what you get.
Only 2 things worth buying by Muscletec are their Mesotech and Nitrotech bars which are both quite delicious.
Optimum 100% Whey. As far as just straight, cheap, good-tasting protein goes, you can't beat it. I know this is a cheap plug, but allsportsnutrition has a 10 lb. vanilla for only $43.79. I think there are about 80 servings of 44 grams a piece (or 160 servings of 22 grams a piece as they advertise it). Definitely worth it.
I agree with PT Jason I used to use all these hyped up protein powders now I don,t bother I go for a mid range product without all the ads for it , it is cheaper just as good IMO and no idiots who have used AAS telling us they only use this brand of protein
I too agree with ptbyjason,, I use optimum 100% whey also. Very happy
One thing I try and do where possible is mix more than one protein source to ensure I have a complete spectrum of the essential amino acids.
Protein Shake
Cottage Cheese
Egg whites
Weight Gain
etc etc
Well aren't you the perfect soldier??Originally posted by Big Al
One thing I try and do where possible is mix more than one protein source to ensure I have a complete spectrum of the essential amino acids.
Protein Shake
Cottage Cheese
Egg whites
Weight Gain
etc etcLOL. I use EAS Simply Whey... $25 for 5lbs. Pretty good, 20g protein, 4 carbs, 2 fat. It's not the best, but I guarantee I won't see much more results than buying some more expensive stuff. Trust me, I've tried them all, they're all just protein, nothing more.
You guys who like Optimum are on track and yes cheap. I use both their pro complex and the choc mint whey. I sell a ton of their stuff since they started making the product.
You may not know...Optimum used to have their stuff privately labeled and sold under their name. Well they got hammered on Dateline one night last year for poor and false labeling. Then This year they built their own plant and now produce all their own products. They consistantly get real high marks on independent inspections, so I'd stay with them. The quality has really improved.
I use Optimum Nutritions whey as well...I know it only has 22g protein per 30g scoop but the price can't be beat. Recently I switched to Pro Cicuit Sports Nutrition (Canadian manufacturer). It only costs $5 more for the 5lb bucket and you get 27g protein in a 30g scoop...plus it tastes just as good and mixes really easily with water.
My switch was from EAS Myoplex ( sucks ) to Maxcmuscle's PrimoMax and Promax ... the latter is a straight protein shake were as the first is lil carbs for meal replacement ... Mix easy and taste is as good as you would expect .. good luck
and now there is Cytosports new Muscle milk. New product with colostrum in it. High fat but designed to promote fat loss and lean increases. Taste is good and the bars are good too.
Yeah, Dumbells, Ive been wanting to try the muscle milk powder, but looking at the stats, I dont see how you could use that stuff and stay even remotely lean. If it didnt also have like 12g of carbs (I think thats right) along with the 18g or so of fat it wouldnt be so bad, but .....
I do totally agree on the bars though. DELICIOUS - especially the vanilla. But again all that fat plus all that glycerine and 5g carbs = bad nutrition.
Have you had experience with this stuff? I know they call it "lean lipids" or whatever, but....
Looking for some honest experience with this stuff.
I use Isopure, preferbaly the chocolate flavor. It is important to note that there are alot of different brands out there. One may say that you are getting 50 grams of protien per serving, but that is rarely the case. Here's why. It takes your body time to break down protiens into their respected amino-acids in which your body can use. True even in the digestive tract, the body can still draw nutrients from food sources but the amounts are limited. By limited I mean that the most protien that your body will absorb will be in the beggining of the digestion process where the food ( or protien shake in this case) is still in the stomach or smaller intestines. It is important to get a protien supplement that has accellerators that allow the protein shakes to break down as fast as possible, thus allowing the greatest amount of absorbtion. during the beggining stages of disgestion. At present the average protien shake is capable of delivering only about 35 to 40% of the amount of protien stated on the label. Kinda makes you think don't it? How many grams am I getting per serving???Check into Isopure, It may cost a little more, but atleast I know how much I am getting and when.
Last edited by Tobey; 10-10-2001 at 09:12 AM.
Good point Tob. Some will add digestive enzymes, and some have a combo protein. I like the ion exchange for that purpose as well.
Improving, ive tried the Muscle milk. The fat is supposed to be from the colostrum which as we know is what makes gives babies their immune system strength and promotes muscle growth. I have not read much on it though it really started hitting the market in one form or another a couple years ago.
it's all there
What happens here, stays here
Dumbell's, this is a response to you and the guy asking about the 18g of Fat in MM:Originally posted by dumbells101
Improving, ive tried the Muscle milk. The fat is supposed to be from the colostrum which as we know is what makes gives babies their immune system strength and promotes muscle growth. I have not read much on it though it really started hitting the market in one form or another a couple years ago.
I heard they were in the form of MCT's (Medium Chain Triglycerides). In general, MCT's are digested just as fast as carbohydrates and get used as being burned for energy , instead of being stored. Anyway, it isn't fat that is being actually STORED as fat. It's excess calories, whether i t be protein, carbs, or fat. So, as long as the caloric exchange is within reason, which i believe it is (Something like 350cal p/serv), it shouldn't promote any more fat gain than would 350cal with a product with more carbs.![]()
Guys I just got a jug of Muscle Milk in along with a few boxes of bars (they're not that good). Anyway 18 grams of fat in the powder. 8 grams saturated and 80% of those 8 grams are MCT. There is bovine colostrum in the product. From one of my other posts you can follow the link to info on colostrum (big claims). Here is the link to Cytosport's web site if you want to read up on muscle milk.
Here is what we need to know:
If you consume more calories than you burn as PaPa says you're gonna get fatter. That is why WHEN you eat is as important as what you eat right. If you're gonna be sitting at your desk for 5 hours then you're not gonna need as much fuel as one who is gonna do landscapping for 5 hours. We have to plan our fuel for our needs!
Great post DB101.
You don't like those bars?! Damn, I think they're kgood. I'll buy em off you if don't want 'em. For a discount of course ( i dont know where your dirty hands have been)LOL.
I haven't tried their protein powder, tell me how that goes.
PaPa I'll give the choc muscle milk bars to you if you come get them. Like eating protein powder...taste is not bad but their so dry!
Currently I'm using Lean Body Low Carb choc MRP's and Isopure - Vanilla...I got some new info on updated scientific studies about protein and other supps- My budy own's a Nutrisport. Crazy shit talking about how most protein powders are crap listing company's also that you don't even absorb half of what you take in. I don't want to talk about shit I don't know exactly so I'll wait till I can photocopy it from him and then let you guys in on it.
I usually go for Nestlies Quick...Oh wait that's not protein powder. Seriously buy flavors you know, or ones you can add things like vanila extract, or natural pb, yogurt, etc even cranberry juice (unless you are trying to avoid juices).
Iwan2bsolid2, do u have those studies yet?![]()
No. Thanks I forgot I'll try getting em soon, next week, k brutha?
Originally posted by Tekto
Iwan2bsolid2, do u have those studies yet?![]()
Originally posted by Iwan2bsolid2
Currently I'm using Lean Body Low Carb choc MRP's and Isopure - Vanilla...I got some new info on updated scientific studies about protein and other supps- My budy own's a Nutrisport. Crazy shit talking about how most protein powders are crap listing company's also that you don't even absorb half of what you take in. I don't want to talk about shit I don't know exactly so I'll wait till I can photocopy it from him and then let you guys in on it.
Yes!!! please do solid, im just about dry on another 5lb tub of EAS simply whey, i wanna make sure what im buying is worth it.![]()
K bro. No problem.![]()
Originally posted by Iwan2bsolid2
Currently I'm using Lean Body Low Carb choc MRP's and Isopure
- Vanilla...I got some new info on updated scientific studies
about protein and other supps- My budy own's a Nutrisport.
Crazy shit talking about how most protein powders are crap
listing company's also that you don't even absorb half of what
you take in. I don't want to talk about shit I don't know exactly
so I'll wait till I can photocopy it from him and then let you guys
in on it.
Don't think I did that right,but any how, I was just wondering if the studies were posted someplace and I missed them. Just wanting to check up on that ,
Also I was wondering if the protein drinks are really worth the price or should i just eat a few for pieces of chicken, or a couple more eggs, or another can of tuna. What is you best thoughts on the subject. thanx
Ok I've been saying I would post this info for a long time now, sorry it took so long...I will post a new thread on it...give it a looksy.
MarkyMark was right on! High quality, ultra filtered, convenient, all natural, no fillers, low carbs, low fat, easy mixing, no clumps, cost effective, compared to many of the others.
I have bought some of the MuscleTech products over the years and have come to the conclusion;
NitroTech- overprized and useless.
Nortesten- overprized and useless.
CellTech- not so overprized and useful!
Of their products I can only recommend one; CellTech. I had some good pumps with that creatine and dextrose, of course I paid some good money for it too, but of all their products and of those I tested, the only one I want to buy again is CellTech ´cause of it´s pump quality...
Can never pass a protein factory post without bumping it. Hands down they carry the best array of products available today, and give you personalized old fashion service.
For post workout:
hyrdo 520 33%
dextrose 33%
maltodexterin 33%
with 5-10 gms of glutimine peptides and BCAAs thrown in for good measure.
To calculate total serving size:
.4 gms of protein per KG of body weight then use an equal amount of each of the carbs. Guzzle it down within 15 mins post workout. The stuff digests so fast that you'll actuall shake untill you get used to it.
I've run out of my recovery shake a couple times and actually noticed an immediate difference in recovery ability.
For general protien powder use I do a custom blend:
15.00% Flax Seed Powder
15.00% Milk Protein Isolate
Vanilla Flavor
The micellar casein drives the cost up a bit, but really gives it a great, creamy, texture.
Notice that there's no carbs, I don't do maltodexterin other than post workout. The GI on that shit is way up there. I prefer to add some ground oats. WAY more flavor and, as I'm sure ya'll know, much better macro-nutrient profile.
Last edited by sgrinavi; 11-15-2001 at 11:16 AM.
Originally posted by juice
i love cell-tech works good
Ya, sugar water gets ya HUGE!![]()
Ya, sugar water gets ya HUGE!
I hear that one.![]()
Celltech didn't do anything for me.
I personally have been using EAS' Simply Protein and Prolab Whey Protein.
Both Vanilla, because if i decide to mix some frozen fruit in there as a little treat it tastes better then dueing it with Strawberry or Chocolate.
Optimum 100% whey or ProLab whey.
Optimum Vanilla tastes great with milk.![]()
I use Pro-Lab N-large, it's good stuff. I'd like to the protein factory a try though. I agree that most of muscletech's products are fairly worthless and way overpriced-and those 6 page ads are getting really annoying.
i use optimum nutritions 100% whey chocolate mint, its by far the cheapest and best tasting i have ever tried. mmm mmm mmm think i'll go blend one up now![]()
I use optimum aswell ..... i think most people here do!
I would like to use proteinfactories but i live in australia and they dont ship OS..... oh well Optimums good i would prefer a time release but what can u do HDTs Time Release 55g is to expensive here I get Optimum for a good price at work so its all good.
Ive also used Max Muscle aswell verygood stuff there Max Pro is 50% Whey Isolate 50% Potassium Caseinate so i havent tried that yet may soon.
I liked the Nitro Tech taste (SHIT POWDER THOU) taste was good like a strawberry quik taste , all it is is a Whey Isolate , Whey Concentrate and Hydrolyzed Whey ??? with some creatine and ALA for good measure.
Optimum Whey Whey Isolate Whey Concentrate Hydrolyzed Whey ..... Less sugar More protein .... same thing to me.
much cheaper here in aus
Nitro Tech Large tub 67 serves i think $150 around maybe more.
Optiumum 77 Serves $78
hmmmmmm i know what i would choose.
I use the mixture formula.
1 scoop Simply Protein.
1 scoop Triple Threat.
1 big smile as I finish off that delicious chocolate MRP.
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