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Thread: Vanadyl 7.5mg

  1. #1

    Vanadyl 7.5mg

    I was just wondering if i could get some info on what this Vanadyl 7.5mg does. Cause i need to find something to put some weight on me and was going to try Andros. but not sure. Need HElp Please!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Vanadyl sulphate is a glucose disposal agent, which helps to transport glucose into the muscle cells, I don't think it will do much in the way of weight gain by itself!

    Try eating everything in the house, and then some of the house,
    and when your done that eat some more!

    you really have to eat and train hard, you don't have to train long just hard, probably 45min to 60min tops in the gym, it's the rest and the eating that will make you grow and gain weight!

    Did I mention you need to EAT?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    vanadyl isn't gonna put the weight on

    i equate it to OTC halotestin.i used vanadyl for years and years and was very happy w/ of the few supplements i can say that about.i have also used halo for years and i find Vanadyl to be like a low grade halo, providing good pumps and density in very leans muscle.IMO best bet for supps is creatine,glutamine,taurine and a good diet.forget pro hormones, save your $$$ for proven products and your grocery bill.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the info fellas i guess i will then just eat a lot more then

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