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Thread: micronized creatine '99.9% pure pharmaceutical grade

  1. #1

    Question micronized creatine '99.9% pure pharmaceutical grade

    anyone ever heard of this stuff? i guess its good..not too sure though, thats just what i hear. Its made by optium nutrition.

    optium nutritions creatine monohydrate...

    any input?

  2. #2
    ptbyjason Guest
    Optimum is a good brand and has good creatine. I prefer Trans-X by Scitec, but for the price you can't beat Optimum.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I have used it in the past. There is a newer creatine out, (so said made in Germany) that works better. I have no proof of that, except one of my buddies said it works better. I dont' know maybe someone else can shead some light on that.

  4. #4


    well whats the deal with them saying its 99.9% pharmecutical grade?
    i dont understand i guess...
    My buddy says its illegal in massachuesetts....He bought it in Nh and brought it down.. many dif brands...


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