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Thread: building/cutting/losing weight

  1. #1

    building/cutting/losing weight

    i am in the mist of a life style change and am looking to build a bigger leaner me. my big supplament question is when using the cell tech/nitro tech combo, is it cool to use the nitric oxide supplaments also? and can you you use hydroxycut (ephedra free) on top of all that? i am sure this is something i should already know but i feel like i should ask to be sure.

    16-20%bf (havent been checked in a while, so this may be a bit high)

    i keep my diet pretty clean, and calories range in the 2000 to 2200 range. i eat low fat moderate carbs and high protien.
    most of my weight is is in my mid section. slowly but surely is is shrinking away.
    i am also thinking of the atkins diet to shed bf quickly (like am month on and then back to a clean diet).

    thanks for any help bros.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
    Yep, you should be allright with that supplement stack!

    I dunno about the atkins diet thing tho. Because i figure youd gain alot of that weight back, probabaly just the more sensible idea would be moderation of your food , and alot of cardio. Slowly, yet surely you'll shed that fat and lean up. But you dont run the chance of gaining all that fat back because you altered your diet so heavily~! It worked for me

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i did atkins 2 years ago and lost a crap load of bf along w/some muscle too. it does work i did it strict for about 3 weeks . 6' 3" 218 lbs. and went down to 198. After the 3 weeks i just adjusted my diet to low/modferate carbs, hi protein and low fat and kept up the cardio and weights. if the cardio slacks off a bit i do notice bf returning quickly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    thats a sweet camel toe.......yum!!! lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by FullBlown
    thats a sweet camel toe.......yum!!! lol
    bless her heart huh...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by wickedred
    i am also thinking of the atkins diet to shed bf quickly (like am month on and then back to a clean diet).

    thanks for any help bros.
    I would advise against the Atkins diet, if even for short duration. All those fad diets do not last with the results from what I've seen and with the clients I have trained. Just stick with a high protein ratio in your dieting and do cardio. Cardio is the key no matter what anyone says to burn fat. Use a ratio of something like 50%protein/30%carbs/20% fat. A good balance from carbs and fats is a must for any regime, IMO. Hope all goes well for you and congrats on taking the first step in trying to change your lifestyle for the better!

  7. #7
    daman1: apperciate the info. i have tlked to several people at the gym and at school who are curently doing the atkinsdiet and the results seem scattered. from what i have found out if you actually do the diet as strict as it should be done it does work. the problems are actually doing what is required to make the diet work, and then going back to eating all the junk you were before and gaining the weight back. i have pretty much decided to go for a high protien/low fat diet with a moderate amount of carbs. kinda like the 50% protien/30%carbs/20%fat you decribed, and add more cardio into my routine. it just seems to me that when i cut carbs out drasticly my energy level crashes. IMO that sucks.

    thanks all...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by wickedred
    daman1: apperciate the info. i have tlked to several people at the gym and at school who are curently doing the atkinsdiet and the results seem scattered. from what i have found out if you actually do the diet as strict as it should be done it does work. the problems are actually doing what is required to make the diet work, and then going back to eating all the junk you were before and gaining the weight back. i have pretty much decided to go for a high protien/low fat diet with a moderate amount of carbs. kinda like the 50% protien/30%carbs/20%fat you decribed, and add more cardio into my routine. it just seems to me that when i cut carbs out drasticly my energy level crashes. IMO that sucks.

    thanks all...
    Anytime you carb deplete what your body is normally used to, your going to feel slugish. Just stick with the ratio as you stated and your body will adjust at least a little to it over time. Good luck with it.

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