i just wanted to know if glutamine is a most to take or could i just stop taking it????
i take protein shakes 3 times a day.
Sorry i am on a tight buget right now.
i just wanted to know if glutamine is a most to take or could i just stop taking it????
i take protein shakes 3 times a day.
Sorry i am on a tight buget right now.
I feel glutamine is a great supplement. I take the glutamine peptides, it is a pain if you have to take them on an empty stomach, especially when you eat every 2 hours. It helps recover faster from a tough workout. It is the most abundant amino in muscle tissue also. It is one of the few supplements I recommend.
Glutamine is an amino acid and is required by the body to build and maintain muscle.If you are breaking down the muscle the more you feed it the quicker it recovers and the better it grows.
I would take it no matter what and it has been proved to help muscle breakdown from ocurring
yup - ALWAYS take glutamine - as for supps, the only things I really recommend are glutamine and a multi vitamin - and then depending on the person, potassium, vit. C, zinc and vit E.
I will use glutamine 15 grams a day thanks i really need that extra push becose i train really hard these days
I,m not sure if you really need 15 g a day I,m using 10g.What do the other guys use?
10g is good enough on glutamine.
10-20 gms/day
I use 10-15g/day, and its totally worth the money. Glutamine and protein supplements are the only supplements I've used on a consistant basis, because the results are obvious.
I take 5g when i wake up at night, 5g halfway through my wo, 5-10g when im done with my wo. 5g before i go to bed.
5-10 g's usually in the evening or mixed in with an MRP or cottage cheese.
If you had to choose between protein shakes and glutamine go with protein shakes. But if you are on a tight budget, why not take 2 shakes a day and have a meal to substitute for the third? Then you could afford the glutamine.
Does it matter what else you take the Glutamine? I mean I'll be starting Clenbuterol soon, is it okay to take the Glut with that? And other stuff, ex: creatine, ECA, protein, etc...
I don't see why it would interfere with any of the other things your taking terinox, but thats just my opinion, if you don't have enought money for the glut, just try to make sure your protein has enough of it in it.
rather than starting a new post, i think i'll just ask my question here because its about glutamine..... (sorry for steering somewhat off topic)
What is the best brand of glutamine for effectiveness? best brand for low cost? is there a best of both worlds?
and which is better> caps or powder?
Last edited by NightOp; 03-03-2002 at 12:53 PM.
I use the cheapest powder I can find. It's all basically the same, and there is no need to go with an expensive brand on this one. I take 15-20g a day. I use it reguardless of whatever else I'm on.
L-Glutamine and a multi-vitamin is what I am on right now. I have 5 mg in the morning when I wake up with my breakfast, 5 more when I have my post workout smoothie, and 5 more before retiring at night.
okay... does anyone know if the pills are better than the powder? I have been told this and would like to know what yall thinkthanx for the info
i dont think theres difference,
the make your own pills from kilosport (buy bulk powerd and empty capsuls) or just mix it up in your drink its the same its the same, either way you dont want to take it on an empty stomach
okay thanks.. ONE MORE QUESTION sorryis glutamine and L-glutamine the same thing? sorry if that is a dumb question but im not a big supplement guy. thnx for the help again
Q: What is the difference between Glutamine Peptides and straight L-Glutamine?
A: The major difference between the two is that glutamine peptides are more stable in liquids, and in the gut. Free form L-Glutamine can begin to quickly break down if it’s mixed with a liquid and not consumed immediately, and it’s also easily recognized by the gut. As such, much of the L-Glutamine you take in may be absorbed and utilized by the gut before it ever reaches the muscle cells. This is by no means a bad thing, but when you are engaging in resistance exercise, you want to get as much glutamine to the muscle cells as possible, and the best ways to do that are by using glutamine peptides or glutamine precursors. Glutamine peptides are more stable when mixed in liquid, and due to the form they are in, they are not so easily recognized by the gut. This means that more of the actual glutamine will make it’s way into the bloodstream, and thus into the muscle cell, which as a bodybuilder is where you really want it.
What's the difference between Glutamine, L-glutamine, Glutamic Acid, and Glutamine Peptides?
from what i read about all that on those pages... glutamine (peptides) are better to take than L-glutamine...
Last edited by NightOp; 03-05-2002 at 04:26 PM.
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