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Thread: growth plates

  1. #1

    growth plates

    hay just a quick question .... I had some one ask me if 1-test and No2 mess with your growth plates..... I did not want to give out any false info so i told them that i think 1-test does but i was not really sure about any way i told them to sit tight and i would find does it.....Thanks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    No and no. Neither one will "mess with your growth plates". I assume you are talking about the bones fusing together that show that growth has stopped in a person. Growth hormone can cause premature fusion of the bones that we look at to determine if a person has finished growing or not. Testosterone doesn't effect the lateral growth of a human but it does mess with your hormone levels and can be very dangerous if supplimented during adolescense. 1-Testosterone is one type of testosterone found in the body and that is enough to throw your body out of whack during adolescense. In adulthood there are still risks but not as detrimental to long term health. I only talk about all of this because I think only an adolescent would be worried about something "mess[ing] with [their] growth plates".

  3. #3
    yea it was a 16 year old kid that asked me.....thanks....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    No problem. Tell him to just get a protein suppliment and he'll do well.

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