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Thread: Ephedra stop working???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Ephedra stop working???

    Gotta question for anyone experienced with ephedra use. Ive heard and read alot of things that say after a while your body gets used to ephedra and thats why you usually take it for 4 weeks, then off for two weeks, or something similar along those lines. I thought, however, that i read somewhere that you can take somethin so your body doesnt get used to ephedra for prolonged use.

    So i guess i will ask two questions then. For those using ephedra, how do you cycle it, and also, anyone ever heard of taking something so your body doesnt get used to ephedra allowing you to take it for longer periods of time?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    personally i like to cycle everything i take cuz the body does adapt to everything that goes on over time...however i have read numerous times that ephedra lasts much longer than most lose the initial "high" feeling relatively quickly, but the fat burning effects dont diminish until after 12 weeks from what i've read. to be on the safe side i just cycle it 6 weeks on 4 weeks off.

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