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Thread: tribulus and tongakt ali

  1. #1

    tribulus and tongakt ali

    OK i want to get the dirty on this stuff, like who has used it did it work and would it be a good thing to try... seeing as how i desided not to take anything harsh like m1t i just want a little natural edge... so any thoughts? i ran a search on it but all that really brought up was threds that is was just mentioned in.... but any ways, as usually any and all comments are welcomed.... thanks...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    erie, pa (area)
    I have used tribulus on and off for quite some time. what i have learned from it is that (for me anyway, and everyone is different), I need to get at least 1200 mg's of a quality extract to elicit a response. From what i understand tribulus indirectly can raise test levels through a leutinizing hormone. I typically take around 2,000 mgs. when I take it. I have a feeling though if you are young and in good health this may not do anything for you as your test levels are already in the higher range. as for tongkat, i have not tried that one yet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    tribulus worked for me well in gettin my sex drive up to par post far as muscle gain dont expect much, general good feeling is associated with it and most men over 30 swear by it cuz this is when noticable sides from lowered test (Fcuking happens with age some $hit huh) occur.

  4. #4
    oh well i am only 20 so i guess i will just stick with protine food in mass quanities and busting my ass at the gym....

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